So...this is my take.
You will go around the wringer on this with potential buyers. Some will say they are really interested, and really have three years til they acquire their dream.
One couple told us recently that they have good credit. Ok.
Another said they have a good down payment ($20K is not a good down payment for a business and financing the rest).
We are told we are not viable. We are told we are a lifestyle B&B.
The B&B Brokers will obviously try to get aspirings to go big, to get the financing required. To get that financing required, the B&B has to support itself. The B&B Brokers will NOT tell them to buy a lifestyle B&B, and in fact if they want a lifestyle B&B (meaning 5 rooms or less) they will convince them it is foolish.
Back to B&B Brokers:
One mentioned was contacted after our PO's sold us a bill of goods, they literally falsified the numbers. They said and I quote "We are not held responsible for that" only the selling and buying of the inn. This is why I say here all the time to aspirings "Do not trust innkeepers" get everything in writing.
Now to Banana... If someone falls in love with your place and they cannot get it out of their minds (which is what I hope will happen here) they will work out a way to buy it. Don't stifle that by requiring proof of funds. Good luck with that (as you have seen already it won't happen - unless they have hired a B&B broker to represent them, and have all that worked out in advance, THEN you will have proof).
So for what it is worth. You will spin your wheels, get your hopes up, get frustrated and pray a buyer falls in love and buys their dream B&B.
Background: We had a couple who were the perfect fit for this B&B. She even played bluegrass music. They were convinced by their consultant/brokers in Vermont that we were not viable and to walk away. They bought an innmates place, and the place is too much for them. We knew that, they knew that. We are happy the innmates were able to cut the apron strings! So red rover red rover send em on over, you never know.

I wish you all the best in this, I know where you are (mentally, emotionally, physically).