Repeat guests

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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Last year you may recall the story about the guests who stayed because their favorite place had closed. And we heard about how wonderful the other place was the whole time they were here.
They're baaaack.
Emailed some questions because they wanted to stay elsewhere (not here) but couldn't remember the name of the place and did I know (some description here). Replied back with info requested. (Essentially search terms)
Another email saying all the places they called are not opening this year. (Yikes!) Are we open? What they're being told is there are too many restrictions on occupancy (not) and no one can get help (I get this. You might have 5-6 hours/week at the rate we're going. It's better to stay on unemployment until it runs out in Dec.)
And, are we open and can they stay here?
A) you only stayed because your favorite place was closed; B) everyone else you've called isn't opening so you need a place to stay.
I feel so loved. ;-)
I've had it happen too. I cannot imagine why they volunteer the information that they're only staying because the place they really wanted is unavailable. Amazing how people can be that clueless and still make it through life just fine!
In a similar lovefest, we had to get rid of the buffet so we are doing chefs choice but with a choice to,opt out and get either toast, yogurt, cereal, oatmeal,or scrambled eggs. Everyone is choosing the scrambled eggs. I almost want to ask if they want fries with that.
My rates are the same as before. None of my repeats have quibbled nor have any of the new ones.
I did raise prices a bit this year. No complaints..
Anon Inn said:
I did raise prices a bit this year. No complaints.
We cut ours drastically.
I did raise, but don't think it has affected occupancy beyond the COVID. Most of my regulars for the year have canceled. The guests coming now are just glad to find someplace relatively small that is open. I project a quarter of normal occupancy. That will be enough to keep up with the bills, no frills.
I did raise prices a bit this year. No complaints..
Anon Inn said:
I did raise prices a bit this year. No complaints.
We cut ours drastically.
I did raise, but don't think it has affected occupancy beyond the COVID. Most of my regulars for the year have canceled. The guests coming now are just glad to find someplace relatively small that is open. I project a quarter of normal occupancy. That will be enough to keep up with the bills, no frills.
“Bills, no frills,” my motto for this year! ;-)
I did raise prices a bit this year. No complaints..
We added $10 to our three least expensive rooms, narrowing the spread -- now $175 to $195. I don't expect problems. If they have a reason to stay, they'll either come or they won't come. if they do, they'll be treated safely and with hospitality and it's a lot of work. Hospitality motto for summer 2020: twice the work for half the money is doing well.
I did raise prices a bit this year. No complaints..
We added $10 to our three least expensive rooms, narrowing the spread -- now $175 to $195. I don't expect problems. If they have a reason to stay, they'll either come or they won't come. if they do, they'll be treated safely and with hospitality and it's a lot of work. Hospitality motto for summer 2020: twice the work for half the money is doing well.
We’ve reduced services. No daily cleaning, no self serve coffee or snacks. The rooms are stripped to strictly functional, no frills, no fancy decorative items.
And we have so many restrictions in place no one is coming anyway. Once the restrictions lift and people start calling again then I’ll go back to regular prices.
Right now we’re back to 2010 pricing.
I did raise prices a bit this year. No complaints..
We added $10 to our three least expensive rooms, narrowing the spread -- now $175 to $195. I don't expect problems. If they have a reason to stay, they'll either come or they won't come. if they do, they'll be treated safely and with hospitality and it's a lot of work. Hospitality motto for summer 2020: twice the work for half the money is doing well.
We’ve reduced services. No daily cleaning, no self serve coffee or snacks. The rooms are stripped to strictly functional, no frills, no fancy decorative items.
And we have so many restrictions in place no one is coming anyway. Once the restrictions lift and people start calling again then I’ll go back to regular prices.
Right now we’re back to 2010 pricing.
Morticia said:
Right now we’re back to 2010 pricing.

Went to month-to-month in self defense. Would have been sunk way before now. Motto: Triple the time involved, and yes more work (don't ask, apparently we are social workers now), and half the income. Shut down March 16. Decided not to reopen, until maybe next Spring. Washington is already rolling back the lift on restrictions, infection rates are still increasing. Between the uncertainty of the marketplace, the constantly changing rules and the sheer need to apply for government assistance for myself, my staff and tenants I am working overtime. To completely comply and be open would be impossible by now. Back to mandatory 50% occupancy and only rent a room every second or third day..... Not giving up though. With almost a year to well plan an grand reopening (after remodel this year) and be covid compliant is about all I can do. How ironic, now I am lending the motel money from the stimulus and unemployment. Just to keep afloat. Ends up month-to-month cannot be evicted for anything, disturbing others, dealing drugs, not paying, etc. So this plan isn't working out so great either. And to kick it off, tenants are eating better than I am. Apparently, no matter how underwater I am financially no food stamps for me. At least I can occasionally get a ride to the food bank.