We've used Comphy Sheets for the past year and love them! Saved 4 hours a day of ironing at our inn and we've sold over $8000 in sheets in our retail area! Truly no ironing...take them out of the dryer and put them on the bed..
Riverbend Lady said:
We've used Comphy Sheets for the past year and love them! Saved 4 hours a day of ironing at our inn and we've sold over $8000 in sheets in our retail area! Truly no ironing...take them out of the dryer and put them on the bed.
Hi Linda!
Can you share a link please. How is Fall at your place currently? We are the other side of the Blue Ridge and barely turning here...soon, very soon! I would love to see some leaf pix if you take any this season.

Fallis really beautiful right now-still a few days to reach peak. I'll try to send some pics. Comphy link is www.comphy.com. Tell them I sent you!
Just found out that they will be at the PAII conference in Charleston, SC - sorry, but I am a touchy, feely kinda person - I will have to touch it b4 I just order something! But you can be sure I am going to tell all my clients to check it out for themselves! If they are both "comfy" and no iron that would be fantastic!