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See "Non smoking B&B" doesn't mean anything to a person in this ad. They aren't smoking in the rooms, they smoke before and after and have the smell of smoke on them, on their clothes, and it transfers to the linens etc.
Mentioning stairs, heaving lifting, is a good thing to put in. Weed out the sickly and elderly. LOL!.
That was the worst one...the one who smoked. I mean walked in the door and exhaled all over the breakfast room. She pitched her cig right on the lawn as she walked in, coffee cup in one hand, cellphone in the other. She lasted 3 days.
I'd say if FD gets a smoker to tell her she needs to change clothes when she arrives and her hair must be pulled back. She can go thru the whole thing she did earlier...'employee uniforms' and 'keep your hair out of the guest rooms'.
You see them outside hotels all the time- puffing away like chimneys and then they come back in and make the beds. Most of the rooms smell anyway.
Mine smokes but only 3 a day and is currently trying to give up (she does this periodically but when under extreme stress relapses (her fiance died so it is fair enough) she never smokes at work though.
side track... the dinner cruise we have nearby...she asks me every time if the guests have disabilities to which I answer I have never met them and I am not allowed to ask them anyway. So the last time I booked this package for guests she said "The boat has ladders so if there is anyone with difficulty with them, just thought I would let you know"
I had to laugh. I do understand this, of course, as many elderly people for some reason think they can get on a boat and just sit. Not all boats are designed this way..
I do understand this, of course, as many elderly people for some reason think they can get on a boat and just sit. Not all boats are designed this way.
In 1986 when we were choosing windjammers for a cruise we discovered there were 2 that were originally launched in 1871 and were wooden hulls. I sent identical letters to both - how do you board as my husband is handicapped, he wears a full-leg brace. (He has only been using the crutches for the last 5 ot 6 years when post-polio got him.)
One sent back the brochure I already had. The other schooner had a very smart person in the office. She sent me a 3-page letter detailing every facet of life aboard the schooner. There was nothing DH could not handle at that time as he could do ladders and there was a gangplank to board. THAT letter got them a 3 cabins reservation (2 parents & 4 kids with only 1 under the age and we DID inform them of that fact but same price per person) that year, a 2 cabin (4 adults) the next year, 2 single cabins the next year (2 adults), and 6 years later another 3 passengers. Not a bad ROI for 1 letter was it!