The folks who come down for breakfast in their jammies. pleeeez....
I have a wonderful mix of guests here all the time....young, old and in-between. I LOVE my young guests, but I do have to say, if anyone is going to come down for breakfast in jammies, it's the youngsters. (But let me say, 99% of them wouldn't think of it.) I tried hard not to treat them differently than anyone else yesterday, and figured they'd get the idea when everyone else had dressed (and most had showered!) before breakfast----I figured they'd dress this morning. But no.
Pajama Boy comes down with (our) robe flapping and white sox. To be honest, I don't know what he has under there besides a T-shirt (please God let there be pants of some sort) because I always only catch him from the back before he sits down. Pajama Girl comes in dark T-shirt and plaid long jammie pants.
Actually, is it okay to slap a guest upside the head? Pajama Boy hasn't made eye contact with me yet, and he's been here two days. I smile brightly, ask questions, and he never takes his eye off the newspaper and sometimes grunts.
Best part---they're here two more days..