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Ahh the memories of when I used to grow all kinds of stuff and can it! Back when I had a house and land, I always had a garden and spent countless hours canning all kinds of things. Then, I got into brewing beer and my kettle went from that canning kettle to a 15 gallon pot I made from a steel keg and fired it with a propane burner outside. Just for fun one day, I threw three bottles of my beer into a contest in Atlanta. It won first place.
When I sold the house and moved onto a boat, all my canning and brewing stuff had to go, but I did find lots of goodies in the basement walls when I moved. I used to hide stuff from myself. Some beers are better after they sit for a year, so I had to hide them to get them to age that long.
I don't see much canning going on around here or even hear of it. In fact, I've never seen a farm or anywhere where folks grow stuff, except condos. They grow LOTS of high-rise condos here. As I look out at the Miami skyline, I can count 36 cranes, and those are just the ones I can see along the shoreline..
This years canning crop: Peach jam, mulberry jam, apricot jam, apricot peach jam, red wild plum jam, green wild plum jam & wild plum chablis jam....YUM!!!
Willowpondgj said:
This years canning crop: Peach jam, mulberry jam, apricot jam, apricot peach jam, red wild plum jam, green wild plum jam & wild plum chablis jam....YUM!!!
Tell me, do you know what to do with this? Our plum tree had grubs in them this year. They are just horrible, we are having to pick them up with the yellowjackets DAILY. You think you are okay then right near the seed there is a grub! Any idea how to prevent this? Last year we had great plums with no grubs, the year before I spit them out as they all had grubs. ???
Ahh the memories of when I used to grow all kinds of stuff and can it! Back when I had a house and land, I always had a garden and spent countless hours canning all kinds of things. Then, I got into brewing beer and my kettle went from that canning kettle to a 15 gallon pot I made from a steel keg and fired it with a propane burner outside. Just for fun one day, I threw three bottles of my beer into a contest in Atlanta. It won first place.
When I sold the house and moved onto a boat, all my canning and brewing stuff had to go, but I did find lots of goodies in the basement walls when I moved. I used to hide stuff from myself. Some beers are better after they sit for a year, so I had to hide them to get them to age that long.
I don't see much canning going on around here or even hear of it. In fact, I've never seen a farm or anywhere where folks grow stuff, except condos. They grow LOTS of high-rise condos here. As I look out at the Miami skyline, I can count 36 cranes, and those are just the ones I can see along the shoreline..
This years canning crop: Peach jam, mulberry jam, apricot jam, apricot peach jam, red wild plum jam, green wild plum jam & wild plum chablis jam....YUM!!!
Willowpondgj said:
This years canning crop: Peach jam, mulberry jam, apricot jam, apricot peach jam, red wild plum jam, green wild plum jam & wild plum chablis jam....YUM!!!
Tell me, do you know what to do with this? Our plum tree had grubs in them this year. They are just horrible, we are having to pick them up with the yellowjackets DAILY. You think you are okay then right near the seed there is a grub! Any idea how to prevent this? Last year we had great plums with no grubs, the year before I spit them out as they all had grubs. ???
Google sawfly grubs.
yes, and i have 7 trays in the dehydrator. I love dried peaches for snacks! And... I'm getting creative with making my own teas, I'm going to try putting some dried peaches in one of my spice teas. Bet it will be good. can't wait..
high street victorian said:
yes, and i have 7 trays in the dehydrator. I love dried peaches for snacks! And... I'm getting creative with making my own teas, I'm going to try putting some dried peaches in one of my spice teas. Bet it will be good. can't wait.
You are putting us all to shame now! STOP IT!
I have a white tea with peach in it, I just love it. Do you have a place to buy loose leaf bulk? Here is an online resource that has high quality products.
Did you ever go to the kitchen gadgets store in Gig Harbor? Next door to the firestone place (Now a fred meyer food store across from it) they had some super loose leaf teas you could smell and sample and blend.
thanks for that link. here is a good place to purchase tea stuff. i don't know how to do the 'link' like you did above. sorry.
yes, I loved that store in Gig Harbor!!!! My all time favorite... MARKET SPICE! when i get to missin it to much, my mother in law will send me some. She can get it locally cheaper than i can order it on line.
My dad's family is all from Fox island, my cousin is the historian for the Fox Island Museum. My Grandma grew up on McNeil Island, her dad was a ferry boat captain and ran supplies and prisoners up and down the Sound. I miss the island!
A totally unexpected find in Gig Harbor--I was gonna mention the po' boy restaurant there, for an "I'm dying" bbq loosemeat sammy's we've ever had! There used to be a restaurant there called the Huckleberry inn and they had the most wonderful giant prawns!
You lucky dogs, blackberries all summer! Homemade cobbler from a wood stove, that's what summer is about on Fox Island! Waaahhh!

Oh yeah, AND you have the Scandinavian store too!!!!
I have never heard of bbq loosemeat before. Just what type of animal does that come from?? tee hee....

Ahh the memories of when I used to grow all kinds of stuff and can it! Back when I had a house and land, I always had a garden and spent countless hours canning all kinds of things. Then, I got into brewing beer and my kettle went from that canning kettle to a 15 gallon pot I made from a steel keg and fired it with a propane burner outside. Just for fun one day, I threw three bottles of my beer into a contest in Atlanta. It won first place.
When I sold the house and moved onto a boat, all my canning and brewing stuff had to go, but I did find lots of goodies in the basement walls when I moved. I used to hide stuff from myself. Some beers are better after they sit for a year, so I had to hide them to get them to age that long.
I don't see much canning going on around here or even hear of it. In fact, I've never seen a farm or anywhere where folks grow stuff, except condos. They grow LOTS of high-rise condos here. As I look out at the Miami skyline, I can count 36 cranes, and those are just the ones I can see along the shoreline..
This years canning crop: Peach jam, mulberry jam, apricot jam, apricot peach jam, red wild plum jam, green wild plum jam & wild plum chablis jam....YUM!!!
Willowpondgj said:
This years canning crop: Peach jam, mulberry jam, apricot jam, apricot peach jam, red wild plum jam, green wild plum jam & wild plum chablis jam....YUM!!!
Tell me, do you know what to do with this? Our plum tree had grubs in them this year. They are just horrible, we are having to pick them up with the yellowjackets DAILY. You think you are okay then right near the seed there is a grub! Any idea how to prevent this? Last year we had great plums with no grubs, the year before I spit them out as they all had grubs. ???
Well the grubs have to eat too:) Grubs are not in plums..they are in the ground. You treat the ground to get rid of the grubs. any fruit that hits the ground is fair game for any insect. We used to have lots of Grubs / Japanese Beetles but several years ago Al treated our property with milky spore. What a difference it has made. This year hardly any at all. Here's a link for you.
In Illinois we used to go to the truck gardens and do U-Pick. We did at least 6 to 8 busels of tomatoes every year plus a couple bushels of green beans, carrots, beets, peaches, and I was given a salmon once that I canned also. Those jars looked so pretty on the floor to ceiling shelves DH built for me in the "wasted space" in the kitchen behind the door to the garage/ He was going to enclose it and put doors on it like a cupboard but I liked looking at the colors and left it open. We worked liked demons all day during canning season - started when I came home from my night shift until about 3 hours before I had to leave for work again.
Ahh the memories of when I used to grow all kinds of stuff and can it! Back when I had a house and land, I always had a garden and spent countless hours canning all kinds of things. Then, I got into brewing beer and my kettle went from that canning kettle to a 15 gallon pot I made from a steel keg and fired it with a propane burner outside. Just for fun one day, I threw three bottles of my beer into a contest in Atlanta. It won first place.
When I sold the house and moved onto a boat, all my canning and brewing stuff had to go, but I did find lots of goodies in the basement walls when I moved. I used to hide stuff from myself. Some beers are better after they sit for a year, so I had to hide them to get them to age that long.
I don't see much canning going on around here or even hear of it. In fact, I've never seen a farm or anywhere where folks grow stuff, except condos. They grow LOTS of high-rise condos here. As I look out at the Miami skyline, I can count 36 cranes, and those are just the ones I can see along the shoreline..
This years canning crop: Peach jam, mulberry jam, apricot jam, apricot peach jam, red wild plum jam, green wild plum jam & wild plum chablis jam....YUM!!!
Willowpondgj said:
This years canning crop: Peach jam, mulberry jam, apricot jam, apricot peach jam, red wild plum jam, green wild plum jam & wild plum chablis jam....YUM!!!
Tell me, do you know what to do with this? Our plum tree had grubs in them this year. They are just horrible, we are having to pick them up with the yellowjackets DAILY. You think you are okay then right near the seed there is a grub! Any idea how to prevent this? Last year we had great plums with no grubs, the year before I spit them out as they all had grubs. ???
Well the grubs have to eat too:) Grubs are not in plums..they are in the ground. You treat the ground to get rid of the grubs. any fruit that hits the ground is fair game for any insect. We used to have lots of Grubs / Japanese Beetles but several years ago Al treated our property with milky spore. What a difference it has made. This year hardly any at all. Here's a link for you.
catlady said:
Well the grubs have to eat too:) Grubs are not in plums..they are in the ground. You treat the ground to get rid of the grubs. any fruit that hits the ground is fair game for any insect. We used to have lots of Grubs / Japanese Beetles but several years ago Al treated our property with milky spore. What a difference it has made. This year hardly any at all. Here's a link for you.
Uhhhhh i pick the plums off the tree and there are grubs/worms in them near the core/seed. I don't eat fruit off the ground, they are in the plums. Trust me and my entire family and ANY GUEST that dares to try one.
Yeah Japanese beetles were bad last year not this year.
oops. posted on wrong comment. I deleted it..
high street victorian said:
You guys are a wealth of info! Thanks! Well I made the calls and have our first 'planning' meeting scheduled for next Tuesday! yay! only two people couldn't make it. Thats pretty good for such short notice. So far I have one person from each of these, the Chamber of Comm, City council member (a real mover and shaker), Economic Development Director, Asst president of the historical society, a local merchant, The manager of the hotel that is three doors down, and a resident that is in the historical district. Thats a pretty good collection of folks to get this going I think!
One thing we ran into is we can't block off the street... I guess its a main hwy! yah, i forget that these little towns do that. :( boo hoo) I had the whole thing pictured in my head. But we can use a side street, it just won' t be the same as doing it on "main". Hopefully we will be able to get all the merchants to buy into the idea and they will all stay open and do up their shops big! The merchant who is on the planning committee, had in her shop a 'living' window last year. It was pretty awesome.
We have a big empty building on one of the corners with big windows (it used to be a JCPennys bldg). I was thinking since the library is out side of the down town area we could set up the Santa reading childrens stories there. It'd be kinda neat because everyone walking by would get to see in.
Sounds great. Yes the idea here was one of trying to bring people into downtown merchants, so you can get the CHAMBER involved for some lee-way on alot of stuff. The llamas thing was a lady who raises them and uses them with disabled people, so she had jingle bell antlers and hats on them and it was a big draw for the kids to pet and brush them and see how gentle they are.
I mentioned that, as it was a cost free item that added quite a bit.
The town council members got to interact with THEIR PEOPLE they represent by reading the children's books and dressing up. OH and some of the church choir and BELL ringers (HANDBELLS Not Salv Army bells) were set up in some businesses, like BANKS after hours. So we would have an all African American choir singing "Go tell it on the Mountain" inside a bank. So all of that together makes it pretty cool.
Keep us posted.
I live in a small town that aspires to be bigger... each year on the first Saturday of December, they have their Christmas Walk. The roads are not closed off, but all the merchants dress up their stores and offer lots of goodies (lemonade, hot cocoa, donuts, whatever they would like to offer). In two of the vacant stores on Main Street, they owners open them up to the community. In one of them, there is an art center for the kids to make Christmas themed crafts (sponsored by the local grocery store {I think}). In another one, different home-based vendors can bring in their crafts and products to sell. The PTA at the local elementary school does a raffle. The local cafe gives away free small coffees. The bulk food store gives out Christmas cookies...It is really a nice setup.
There are travelling musicians who go from corner to corner to play. The town is older, 1875, I think. But it isn't decorated like 1875. It's just a community thing.
We have a gazebo that the Mayor puts a tree in and all the kids can put an ornament on it if they want. The local Percheron breeder hooks up his, for lack of a better work, trolley. There is a parking area set up about 6 blocks from downtown and he provides the transportation to and from that lot. There is a Santa.
It is a very pleasant way to spend a Saturday in Dec. Usually, we don't have much (if any) snow at that point, but it's always chilly enough to give the impression that a flake could fall at any moment.
I think the best thing about it is that it is NOW a tradition. This year will be it's 4th year. People look forward to it and it kind of kicks off the season for a lot of people.
BTW, it's called the so-and-so-town Christmas Walk
I live in a small town that aspires to be bigger... each year on the first Saturday of December, they have their Christmas Walk. The roads are not closed off, but all the merchants dress up their stores and offer lots of goodies (lemonade, hot cocoa, donuts, whatever they would like to offer). In two of the vacant stores on Main Street, they owners open them up to the community. In one of them, there is an art center for the kids to make Christmas themed crafts (sponsored by the local grocery store {I think}). In another one, different home-based vendors can bring in their crafts and products to sell. The PTA at the local elementary school does a raffle. The local cafe gives away free small coffees. The bulk food store gives out Christmas cookies...It is really a nice setup.
There are travelling musicians who go from corner to corner to play. The town is older, 1875, I think. But it isn't decorated like 1875. It's just a community thing.
We have a gazebo that the Mayor puts a tree in and all the kids can put an ornament on it if they want. The local Percheron breeder hooks up his, for lack of a better work, trolley. There is a parking area set up about 6 blocks from downtown and he provides the transportation to and from that lot. There is a Santa.
It is a very pleasant way to spend a Saturday in Dec. Usually, we don't have much (if any) snow at that point, but it's always chilly enough to give the impression that a flake could fall at any moment.
I think the best thing about it is that it is NOW a tradition. This year will be it's 4th year. People look forward to it and it kind of kicks off the season for a lot of people.
BTW, it's called the so-and-so-town Christmas Walk.
very neat.
Ahh the memories of when I used to grow all kinds of stuff and can it! Back when I had a house and land, I always had a garden and spent countless hours canning all kinds of things. Then, I got into brewing beer and my kettle went from that canning kettle to a 15 gallon pot I made from a steel keg and fired it with a propane burner outside. Just for fun one day, I threw three bottles of my beer into a contest in Atlanta. It won first place.
When I sold the house and moved onto a boat, all my canning and brewing stuff had to go, but I did find lots of goodies in the basement walls when I moved. I used to hide stuff from myself. Some beers are better after they sit for a year, so I had to hide them to get them to age that long.
I don't see much canning going on around here or even hear of it. In fact, I've never seen a farm or anywhere where folks grow stuff, except condos. They grow LOTS of high-rise condos here. As I look out at the Miami skyline, I can count 36 cranes, and those are just the ones I can see along the shoreline..
This years canning crop: Peach jam, mulberry jam, apricot jam, apricot peach jam, red wild plum jam, green wild plum jam & wild plum chablis jam....YUM!!!
Willowpondgj said:
This years canning crop: Peach jam, mulberry jam, apricot jam, apricot peach jam, red wild plum jam, green wild plum jam & wild plum chablis jam....YUM!!!
Tell me, do you know what to do with this? Our plum tree had grubs in them this year. They are just horrible, we are having to pick them up with the yellowjackets DAILY. You think you are okay then right near the seed there is a grub! Any idea how to prevent this? Last year we had great plums with no grubs, the year before I spit them out as they all had grubs. ???
Well the grubs have to eat too:) Grubs are not in plums..they are in the ground. You treat the ground to get rid of the grubs. any fruit that hits the ground is fair game for any insect. We used to have lots of Grubs / Japanese Beetles but several years ago Al treated our property with milky spore. What a difference it has made. This year hardly any at all. Here's a link for you.
catlady said:
Well the grubs have to eat too:) Grubs are not in plums..they are in the ground. You treat the ground to get rid of the grubs. any fruit that hits the ground is fair game for any insect. We used to have lots of Grubs / Japanese Beetles but several years ago Al treated our property with milky spore. What a difference it has made. This year hardly any at all. Here's a link for you.
Uhhhhh i pick the plums off the tree and there are grubs/worms in them near the core/seed. I don't eat fruit off the ground, they are in the plums. Trust me and my entire family and ANY GUEST that dares to try one.
Yeah Japanese beetles were bad last year not this year.
Well they aren't "grubs" they may be some sort of worm...but if you click on the link you will see what a grub looks like.
Ahh the memories of when I used to grow all kinds of stuff and can it! Back when I had a house and land, I always had a garden and spent countless hours canning all kinds of things. Then, I got into brewing beer and my kettle went from that canning kettle to a 15 gallon pot I made from a steel keg and fired it with a propane burner outside. Just for fun one day, I threw three bottles of my beer into a contest in Atlanta. It won first place.
When I sold the house and moved onto a boat, all my canning and brewing stuff had to go, but I did find lots of goodies in the basement walls when I moved. I used to hide stuff from myself. Some beers are better after they sit for a year, so I had to hide them to get them to age that long.
I don't see much canning going on around here or even hear of it. In fact, I've never seen a farm or anywhere where folks grow stuff, except condos. They grow LOTS of high-rise condos here. As I look out at the Miami skyline, I can count 36 cranes, and those are just the ones I can see along the shoreline..
This years canning crop: Peach jam, mulberry jam, apricot jam, apricot peach jam, red wild plum jam, green wild plum jam & wild plum chablis jam....YUM!!!
Willowpondgj said:
This years canning crop: Peach jam, mulberry jam, apricot jam, apricot peach jam, red wild plum jam, green wild plum jam & wild plum chablis jam....YUM!!!
Tell me, do you know what to do with this? Our plum tree had grubs in them this year. They are just horrible, we are having to pick them up with the yellowjackets DAILY. You think you are okay then right near the seed there is a grub! Any idea how to prevent this? Last year we had great plums with no grubs, the year before I spit them out as they all had grubs. ???
Well the grubs have to eat too:) Grubs are not in plums..they are in the ground. You treat the ground to get rid of the grubs. any fruit that hits the ground is fair game for any insect. We used to have lots of Grubs / Japanese Beetles but several years ago Al treated our property with milky spore. What a difference it has made. This year hardly any at all. Here's a link for you.
catlady said:
Well the grubs have to eat too:) Grubs are not in plums..they are in the ground. You treat the ground to get rid of the grubs. any fruit that hits the ground is fair game for any insect. We used to have lots of Grubs / Japanese Beetles but several years ago Al treated our property with milky spore. What a difference it has made. This year hardly any at all. Here's a link for you.
Uhhhhh i pick the plums off the tree and there are grubs/worms in them near the core/seed. I don't eat fruit off the ground, they are in the plums. Trust me and my entire family and ANY GUEST that dares to try one.
Yeah Japanese beetles were bad last year not this year.
Well they aren't "grubs" they may be some sort of worm...but if you click on the link you will see what a grub looks like.
Different type of grub. I think she is running into these Sawfly grubs

some plum site said:
Plum sawfly grubs bore into the fruit making them fall early. Treatment is to destroy the early ripening, affected fruits and destroy fallen fruits. ...

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