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Other than the religious items while she was there was she a nice guest?
if so, I would tend to give her a good review but include that it would have been nice to have had notice of her late arrival and dietary needs. And I bet you can come up with a witty way to warn others of the religious materials..
She was also the guest who insulted the couple having breakfast, out of the blue.
Morticia said:
She was also the guest who insulted the couple having breakfast, out of the blue.
THAT earns her the DO NOT DARKEN MY DOOR. I can put up with a lot of crap (and have from various people), but do not mess with my guests.
I once had an inn-to-inn package with a B & B on the other end of the tail-trail. Guests usually started with them and rode down the trail to us. One day, they called here and asked to talk to the guests (they were here on the package a second time). I thought nothing of it thinking something may have been left behind. No, they called to accuse the woman of smoking in the room. The guest swore to me that she did not, and I know I only saw her smoke outside. Even if she had, in my mind, calling her at MY B & B was wrong. Fortunately the guest did not hold it against me - they booked here again after that.
See for me I would have called you and just said "they seemed nice but think she was smoking in the room id just recommend you doubly reinforce your non smoking when they get there" I would not have asked for the guest or spoken to them directly.
Other than the religious items while she was there was she a nice guest?
if so, I would tend to give her a good review but include that it would have been nice to have had notice of her late arrival and dietary needs. And I bet you can come up with a witty way to warn others of the religious materials..
She was also the guest who insulted the couple having breakfast, out of the blue.
And you want to inflict her on other people? Even if you give her a good rating, you may want to add some comments in to warn others.
Other than the religious items while she was there was she a nice guest?
if so, I would tend to give her a good review but include that it would have been nice to have had notice of her late arrival and dietary needs. And I bet you can come up with a witty way to warn others of the religious materials..
She was also the guest who insulted the couple having breakfast, out of the blue.
And you want to inflict her on other people? Even if you give her a good rating, you may want to add some comments in to warn others.
its tricky I had one who to be fair was really nice but just a bit of a non thinker
(1) arrived 9am to leave bags hadn't told us or asked and marched right in past someone going out and into the breakfast room to do so
(2) asked when check out was then held on till 11.15 to ask the chamber maid if she could stay longer when we were trying to get going for the day and had been waiting 45 mins already for her.
(3) hung about the place all day
(4) went out and left bags did not come back when said she would for them - waiting again
(5) when back let in checking in guests and started chatting to them - did not call for staff despite HUGE sign on front and back doors saying please let hotel staff greet incoming guests.
Said in my private notes most air properties are private homes and people need to know what you are doing to plan their day as they have other appointments and things to do - it is considered very rude to march into someone's private home and to let other strangers into a private home.