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Thank you! We are always very kind and courteous to all our guests and respect their choices. We have healthy lifestyles and manners, plus also refrain from hand-shaking and hugging, while keeping plenty of space, but load up on the smiles, welcomes, and little extras to make them feel at ease!You are NOT alone. I am also bare-faced. Yesterday, guests showed up with masks at their necks but never put them on. They are enjoying themselves.I am okay with guests being socially responsible adults and making their own decisions - which includes self-monitoring, wearing a mask if they choose to, knowing where they have been and if they are a risk or not, being others aware, being kind, and respecting everyone else and their decisions. That is how I prefer to be treated. People who book here know it is a smaller B&B and if folks are as self-centered and concerned about protecting themselves (as they usually are), then other folks will be protected simply because others won't break that distance barrier between themselves the other people.As far as I know there aren't any state or federal LAWS (having due process with voter and legislative input and participation) against "bare-face"...Your state, locality allows bare-face?Yep agree here too...tourist flocking even though events canceled left and right, retailers paranoid and over-reacting, strict with all the chasing people with hand-sanitizer etc... but it's the warmest summer we've had in a couple years and the Lake is here they all come.
Explaining all the extra stuff...disinfectant, hand-sanitizer, wipes, cleaning, spacing, exhausting, so please be nice.
So we'll greet you at the door with a bare face and allow you to do what is comfortable for you. We won't pretend to be medical professionals and require you to let us take your temperature, and there are plenty of options for separate dining...all we want to do is say hello, welcome, we hope you have an enjoyable stay, let's all be respectful of each other...
If I get a cranky-pants that wants to fight, I will not hesitate to offer their remaining $$ back and ask them to leave or be civil...I mean after all, isn't the cliché, "we're all in this @*%*&$@ together"...?.
.So, because there is no law you’re OK with guests possibly spreading the virus to your other guests? There’s no place for social responsibility as long as there is no law demanding compliance?Northern Dreamer said:As far as I know there aren't any state or federal LAWS (having due process with voter and legislative input and participation) against "bare-face"...
No moral compass directing people’s activities?
It’s truly a sad, sad time.
I don't understand how we can live as mature, respectful adults, and be socially responsible, and expect to get to direct and dictate other mature and respectful people's activities. It's a two-way street of trust. The problem in our world today is that people try to be someone else's moral compass instead of having one themselves.
My moral compass, treat others as I would want to be treated, not micro-manage, play the role of their mother or dictator. Sounds like a wonderful world to me.
No one has asked me anything other than do you have a room?
I do not mock, taunt, make cracks at (or laugh) at anyone who wears a mask. That is THEIR choice. I am getting VERY tired of being told I do not care about others because I do not wear one. I DO care - I do not visit friends who are old or compromised, I DO keep a distance. I do NOT hug anyone. IF a person is afraid, do what you have to do, your choice. I do what I have to do.
Those who do not wear masks are being treated worse than smokers right now. I do not breathe on anyone and I do not cough on anyone or over food. I have ALWAYS washed my hands (Mom would slap the crap out of anyone who did not!). IF you do not wish to stay at my B & B, enjoy where you do stay. I am busier than I expected to be. Got 2-nights last night from the road - same thing last week.
I am also running a Municipal Election right now & have early voting this week and next. Running ragged? Yep! Plus I have a Council meeting Monday night.
This is absolutely NOT about ‘choices.’ You cannot ‘choose’ to refuse to protect those around you. (Well, obviously I’m wrong about that!) Not a single person, except those who are actively showing symptoms, knows if they are infected.Northern Dreamer said:Thank you! We are always very kind and courteous to all our guests and respect their choices. We have healthy lifestyles and manners, plus also refrain from hand-shaking and hugging, while keeping plenty of space, but load up on the smiles, welcomes, and little extras to make them feel at ease!
It’s remarkably callous to decide YOU are the arbiter of someone else’s health by not taking a remarkably simple precaution.
States that flouted all the precautions as thousands DIED in the states first hit should have learned something from that. It appears not.
People are dead right now who should be alive because of the crappy attitude that is pervading this country. I call ********. You want to do what you want? Close your business. But you should not be inflicting your beliefs on unsuspecting guests.
However, if all of your guests are of the same beliefs, well let’s hope you’re not the next statistical hot spot.
Seriously, I could just cry reading how cavalier people are.