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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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Anyone else get informed the T&C on TripAdvisor are changing? I haven’t had a chance to log on and read them but the email stated they need to access our websites and apps to insure guests are getting valid information. I don’t get this. They don’t need my permission to look at my website, so what are they really asking for?
Your permission to use everything and anything on that site - forever if what I was told is correct. I am not going near that with a barge pole. I do not want even just going there to be taken as permission.
Hmmm. I wonder if you have to agree to the new policy before you can get into your account. I’ll have to check on that tomorrow.
I think you do. And I think I'm guilty of being one of those guys who clicked the box without reading it. :rolleyes:
My understanding is they are doing it to be sure they dont get dinged if they scrape copyrighted or other restricted use photos from your site (which you used without authorization)... I'm awaiting more info from our marketing company but in mean time, I am not approving it
I dropped them awhile ago. Never felt better. I honestly think most people don’t bother with looking at them anymore. Google has much more influence than TA has.
I dropped them awhile ago. Never felt better. I honestly think most people don’t bother with looking at them anymore. Google has much more influence than TA has.
Keep in mind you can't 'drop them.' Even if you no longer pay them, your listing is still out there.

(I'm only pointing this out for newbies who think you can 'opt out' of having your property show up on TA.)
I logged into TripConnect and did not get any messages saying I had to agree to anything. Possibly when you go on to reply to reviews is when they hit you with the new T&C's.
On my intial log in from the email, a T&C agreement window popped up for acceptance. I don't recall a decline button, but it may have been there. Xped. also sent a new T&C in Jan. Even without accepting, in 30 days you are auto opted in.
On my intial log in from the email, a T&C agreement window popped up for acceptance. I don't recall a decline button, but it may have been there. Xped. also sent a new T&C in Jan. Even without accepting, in 30 days you are auto opted in.
Ah, I didn’t use the link. Maybe that’s how I got around it.
I'll follow this. I deleted their email without reading it!
Went into my account to look at the CPC campaign and just closed the window asking me to accept terms. But, looking at my property on TA, the official site price doesn't show up, whereas my pricing was always there comparing to OTAs.
I checked to see if my rates still show. They do, but I also didn’t get a pop up with the new terms. Hmmm.
I checked to see if my rates still show. They do, but I also didn’t get a pop up with the new terms. Hmmm.
Same here. Maybe they're rolling it out slowly and we'll get hit later.
This was posted on one of the FB Forums I am on. DO NOT AGREE with the T & Cs.
Which makes me wonder.....
I signed an agreement with the professional photographer that contributed photography for my website that I would give him photo credit whenever I shared his photos. If TA has access to my website and feels they can use the material on there, how does that fulfill that obligation with him? It doesn’t. It seems to me that they would need to that agreement with him as well.
I wonder how that complies with GDPR.
You cannot revoke their access to your materials. But under GDPR you should have the right to be forgotten.
Am I wrong?
It is probable that their new ToS will not stand a chance in real court.
I wonder how that complies with GDPR.
You cannot revoke their access to your materials. But under GDPR you should have the right to be forgotten.
Am I wrong?
It is probable that their new ToS will not stand a chance in real court.
That’s only good in the European Union. In the US you don’t have the right to be forgotten by the internet. So, they cannot use these T&C’s there, but they can use them here. The way they’ll do it is by not allowing you access to your account until you agree. Which is why I tested being able to get into tripconnect and then changed the info while I still have access.
That’s only good in the European Union. In the US you don’t have the right to be forgotten by the internet. So, they cannot use these T&C’s there, but they can use them here. The way they’ll do it is by not allowing you access to your account until you agree. Which is why I tested being able to get into tripconnect and then changed the info while I still have access.

What information did you change in Tripconnect, Morticia?