Getting there, but robe is indeciferable mostly.
Lamp competes with wall unit a/c. Book on chair is good!!!
Just throw a lobster on the bed and be done with it. HA HA.
Ok, will try to answer everyone's questions at once...put the lamp there for light and to block A/C. Thought about taping up cord figured it would stick out like sore thumb. YOU try to line up those damn blinds. (just kidding, but it is the bane of my existence to get those lined up.) Will try again but light is about gone now. That may help with the reflection from the mirror.
So, when I get the perfect shot, how will you, as the guest, feel when the room doesn't look a thing like this?
doesn't it look like that??
i bet it does.
haha ... i have old mini blinds and old windows and i can sooo relate.
tell me something, when guests check in to that room what do they say? do they ever say, 'this is so much nicer (bigger) (brighter) than i thought it would be'
i think i will book a nite with you in the
haunted room! i am not kidding when i say i get calls
asking for this.