So why don't we have a yearly Innspiring convention that IS about innkeepers? I'd love to attend one of Gillum's PG-rated lectures, and the vendors could pay just enough to cover the cost of the meeting place.
Nightly cash bar cocktail parties at 6:30 and the next day's lectures don't start until 10 a.m.
The perfect convention, and a tax deductible expense!.
Arks said:
So why don't we have a yearly Innspiring convention that IS about innkeepers? I'd love to attend one of Gillum's PG-rated lectures, and the vendors could pay just enough to cover the cost of the meeting place.
Nightly cash bar cocktail parties at 6:30 and the next day's lectures don't start until 10 a.m.
The perfect convention, and a tax deductible expense!
I think we had one of those this year already (as is evidenced by my avatar photo)
Joey Bloggs said:
Arks said:
So why don't we have a yearly Innspiring convention that IS about innkeepers? I'd love to attend one of Gillum's PG-rated lectures, and the vendors could pay just enough to cover the cost of the meeting place.
Nightly cash bar cocktail parties at 6:30 and the next day's lectures don't start until 10 a.m.
The perfect convention, and a tax deductible expense!
I think we had one of those this year already (as is evidenced by my avatar photo)
I think thats what you call an Innspiring convention gone VERY WRONG!!!! LOL

I have missed you all. Things have been crazy in my life and I wanted to stop in and say Hi!
Glad you are back Hillbilly. Yes, the BIG problem with PAII has always been the costs are too much for the little inns - both for dues and the Conferences. Rather than a week it would be better condensed into no more than 3 days and take the show on the road - West, Middle States, and East. By making it smaller, fewer days the guaranteed room count would be smaller and costs would be less for everyone. Vendors could afford to go to 2 or maybe all 3 with the costs being spread out and less. And since not all "high seasons" are the same season, more innkeepers may be able to attend one of them that would be impossible if it was during high season.
Winter is dead here and many other areas but for the deep south and the ski areas this is high season. Summer we are booming but the deep south is dead-heat-scorching dead. Have conferences where the season is dead for cheaper rates and to get the innkeepers that are not going nuts with guests. One would think with all the "marketing" people PAII has that they would have thought of this years ago.
PAII has forgotten that 1000 small inns @ $100 will equal the same revenue as 20 inns at $500 BUT the numbers being represented are larger. It was the NUMBERS Jay represented that made T A sit down and talk with Jay. And he got the NUMBERS by making it affordable to the small B & B to join PAII.
And by the time the week was over (before even) of the one PAII Conference I attended, I was so bone tired from running from one end of the Conference Center to another for a "cattle-call" session that was so jammed with people that you could not see what was being presented and really did not feel "part" of the Conference. There truly is such a thing as being too big. There was not time to build relationships - you were too busy running.
The Conferences my State Association used to have were 3-day events and done on the cheap because we did not have a lot of money (and neither did our members). But we networked with each other and felt like family that saw each other (and looked forward to it) at the once a year. We KNEW who we could call with what problem - one was an expert on financials (former banker), another was known for recipes (former prof at one of our unis), someone else knew marketing, another knew who to call to get answers about just about everything. THAT is what PAII is missing. My State Assoc will go to the Legislature for something that affects members all over the State. PAII cannot be on top of everything but SHOULD be watching Federal legislation that affects inns across the Country (and Internationally if they are going to claim International) and give alerts to members about what is going to affect them and how it will - swimming pool regs, ADA, etc.
Sorry. I am going back to my corner to suck my thumb in penance for my rant.