I think that's a great idea, even though we already offer a 15% discount year-round to military personnel (and I do other nice things for the military folks here). I actually also extend that discount to families visiting the guys here in a specific branch of service (which just so happens to be the branch in which I served). If I'm reading this correctly, you are suggesting just one room for one night out of our inventory?
Heck, I don't ask for IDs - when they show up in uniform, that's good enough for me
I wouldn't expect something like this as a Retired veteran. But I think it's a great idea for the active duty men & women.
ps...I think this thread got a little out of hand which has happened with some other threads lately. One of the reasons why I have not been participating as much lately. I agree with SS, we can't intimate tone or expression when it's an electronic medium. Maybe folks need to seek clarification if they're not sure of the intent of another poster? I think this might avoid some harsh words that are appearing lately. Just my 2 cents.....
Samster said:
ps...I think this thread got a little out of hand which has happened with some other threads lately. One of the reasons why I have not been participating as much lately. I agree with SS, we can't intimate tone or expression when it's an electronic medium. Maybe folks need to seek clarification if they're not sure of the intent of another poster? I think this might avoid some harsh words that are appearing lately. Just my 2 cents....
I completely agree. Since when did the automatic assupmtion be "negative, underhanded, or snide" instead of "innocent, above-board, or funny".
Maybe it has been forgotten that there are aspirings, lurkers, guests, and whatnot (whonot) among us. Those people wouldn't necessarily know all of GH's policies to the letter as we regulars do.
I know that I have developed a timidness to post and ask questions becuase of the recent inclination to belittle, blast, and run people off. I'd rather not be run off on a rail but leave of my own volition. I once commented that I thought I belonged here but due to the comments of one particular poster (who has now been banned) I'd started to question my place here.
Interesting (and sad) to me that other people are noticing it, too
I am with you on this. Samster and I have been "on line" friends via various forums for more years than I can remember...maybe at least 8 years for me. I do not like the way things have gone here for the past few weeks.
This Forum says "
INNspiring.com .... where innkeepers belong. I hope we can maintain this idea.
This is not a place to carp or criticize at one another. We have to allow some leeway for interpretation given the medium we are working in. If we all had web cameras and wanted to chat live face to face that would be a different thing. We all come from different places, and backgrounds. We all have our own ways of doing things. Variety is the spice of life. And that is what we do here...share with one another in an amiable way.
This site was put here because we did not like the way the other forum was being handled.
It was also put here to discuss innkeeping. There are other sites out there if you want to discuss your politics, religion, children, personal hobbies, pets and their pictures....etc etc.
Aspirings and current innkeepers come here to learn about innkeeping and glean ideas that may work for them. IF we can keep that in mind then we will stay on track.
I have finished my innkeeping career but still would like to share some of my experiences when I feel it will contribute to the cause. Let's all keep this in mind as we continue here with our forum. We all have lots to learn and to share.