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Aug 21, 2008
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Check in is 3 to 7
1:15 i see about 5 people walking across the lawn. I only have one check in today and it is one couple. The front door is locked and I am fighting a major headache. I hear the rattling of the knob and lots of discussion although I can't make out the words. They do not KNOCK on the door, just rattle the doorknob.
There is a sign on the door that says check in is 3 to 7 pm
They then go to another door ... one of those dutch doors ... the top half is open a tiny bit as it is the only window that opens in a particular room. There is a screen door on the outside of it that won't budge (so far) that prevented them from getting in the place that way. But they tried very hard, it sounded like they were breaking down the door.
I considered going to speak to them but the noise stops so I decided to take a restroom break.
While in there, I hear someone trying to open the back door ... the one next to the trash bins. No signs. Obviously not an ENTRANCE of any kind.
I finish my business and come out to see them leaving the parking lot.
If I had a reservation someplace and I tried to get in and found the door locked, I like to think I would read the sign on the door. I also like to think I would know what time check in was. If I discovered I was early and found the door locked, I like to think I would go do something for a while and come back. If I had no reservation and had decided to simply check a place out, and found the door locked, I like to think I would not go from door to door, trying to get in. Especially not the back door!!
You sure "like to think", that's what sets you apart from the PITA's!
OOOooooooo! I wonder what their response would have been if you had called the police to report some one attempting to break into your house. You were not expecting to a group of check-ins. You were alone in the house and one they tried the dutch door - not a normal ingress or entrance - I would have considered it an attempted break-in.
I have neighbors who laugh at me regularly because I have the keypad lock on the door. I usually have the front door open for the breeze, and I lock the screen door instead. The guest room with the outside entry is always locked to prevent what you just described. My own door is hardly ever locked but has only been breached 1-2 times by REALLY persistent guests who did not get the overgrown path, the 'basement-like' interior view or the picnic table barring the way across the patio.
I would consider 5 people trying every door to be an 'assault' rather than an inquiry.
See posters here think I'M the one who gets the weird get weirder. I'd say post a sign that says 'We're not here right now, please check back at 3 PM' but we all know where that would go...
Wanted to add this...I have watched guests and locals alike walk up to my door and rattle the handle. Not a single one of the doorknob rattlers read the sign that asks them to ring the bell first. (The sign says to ring bell and walk in.) I've seen the shocked looks that the door is locked. But, hey, THEY did NOT read the sign, THEY broke the rules by not 'informing' me of their presence before entering the building. I don't feel badly about the locked door for that reason alone.
Why would a local think they could just walk in the door without knocking or ringing?
Check in is from 4-6, as stated in confirmation, on-line policies, and front door, here we are! (It's 1:00) Sent them on their way, come back at 4 pleeeeeeeze!
They'll never get it. We, as a profession, will never not have this as an issue!
Just another reason why you MUST keep all of your doors Locked. I too might have thought to call the cops..what are people thinking??? I know..THEY ARE NOT and NOT READING EITHER. Come on people!!!!!
OK, hubs' first reaction to this story was, "They must have been looking for a bathroom. Who sent them there? That's what she has to find out. Who is sending people there for the bathroom? Guests would have knocked or rang the bell, they just wanted to get in.'
Geez, I may add to my hours: Check-In is from 3 to 7. Don't come any earlier I have a shotgun.
There is not too much of that where I am as you need to take the ferry to get here and that means you arrive right around the time you should unless you arrive a 9. So the doors here are open most of the day but there are a lot of places a tourist could go in the meantime, just a small town but it has some touristy shops and some coffee-lunch places. Most guests hang around on the mainland as there is more to do there. There is a small pwder room here that is away from the guest rooms and I can let guests in to use that and then say they need to go do something else, even just sit on the porch until checkin. Most don't show up until checkin. It's hard when someone takes that 9 o'clock ferry and they are here all day thinking they will jsut checkin and lounge around. We are full most of the time when we are open, except right now and towared Christmas when it is sloe. The lounging part is fine with me but not the constant knocking to see if it is time yet. I have a dog. She's really friendly once you've been checked in and don't ask me how she had figured that out but she has. If you haven't chekedin and you just knock she sits in fron t of the screen door and looks at you. She won't move if you open the door and she does this little woofwoof thing thaat doesn't sound menacing to me but generally the person closes the door and styas on the outsdie.
There is not too much of that where I am as you need to take the ferry to get here and that means you arrive right around the time you should unless you arrive a 9. So the doors here are open most of the day but there are a lot of places a tourist could go in the meantime, just a small town but it has some touristy shops and some coffee-lunch places. Most guests hang around on the mainland as there is more to do there. There is a small pwder room here that is away from the guest rooms and I can let guests in to use that and then say they need to go do something else, even just sit on the porch until checkin. Most don't show up until checkin. It's hard when someone takes that 9 o'clock ferry and they are here all day thinking they will jsut checkin and lounge around. We are full most of the time when we are open, except right now and towared Christmas when it is sloe. The lounging part is fine with me but not the constant knocking to see if it is time yet. I have a dog. She's really friendly once you've been checked in and don't ask me how she had figured that out but she has. If you haven't chekedin and you just knock she sits in fron t of the screen door and looks at you. She won't move if you open the door and she does this little woofwoof thing thaat doesn't sound menacing to me but generally the person closes the door and styas on the outsdie..
Just wanted to say that I LOVE, LOVE the name "Seven-Sisters B&B". I think that's such a great name. Congrats!

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