The credit card companies are making it from both ends. They charge the cardholder usury interest rates and charge the merchant almost as savagely. There is no way to tell a debit card from a credit card which sucks since if we could tell, although we cannot refuse to take it, could as I do if a guest tells me "I will just use my debit card" - why don't you just write a check since it is the same thing...... Often times they will do just that and I save the cc fees. Be aware that Corporate credit cards have a bigger bite than one held by John Q Public.
For that reason alone, I do try to use check or cash at small businesses. I have actually had guests who told me they are aware of the fees we get hit with (one said she tried to set up a cc donation for a 501(c)3 until she found out what the fees were) and therefore would be paying cash or check to save me the fees..
It is nice to see some innkeepers keep an eye on this cc processing stuff. We spend SO MUCH time trying to stay on top of it and get it right.
There will definitely be a solution out there always - as long as it is a lodging gateway you will wind up being fine. The problems without one generally are chargebacks (with no date info, retail gateways have no proof of service rendered - and since they are retail - you are not supposed to be providing service in the first place), fraud (you can get into trouble if you are not doing it properly, and the liability issues are greater if you are misrepresenting yourself), and the issues with cutting over (i.e. non-referenced refunds, deposits, etc) to a new processor can be greater as well.
Since we are on this subject, how much of a pain is the reconciliation process at the end of each month? I ask because we have something lined-up to address this issue.