It figures! The NICE people get dumped on every time. Sounds like our neighbor's kid - the only place he knows to move is on the basketball court. Have never seen him mow a yeard OR shovel the snow - the rare times we even have snow. Cold today, but sunny and clear. Weare supposed to get one of our rare nights tonight - down to 10 above..
it is -9 here now. Might get above 0 today.
It went to 5 above last night and I have no idea how bad the wind-chill was but we had winds up to 40 mph. The flags are still straight out with the wind. Rain is not sipposed to come in for a couple days. Supposed to be about 40 for Christmas.
29 degrees outside, 54 degrees inside.
Parents are on their way here. They had their bags packed and couldn't bear the thought of unpacking without actually having been somewhere. Daughter will meet me at Stonewall Kitchens (about midway from where she fetched up last night and where I live) for lunch and
prisoner present exchange. Unfortunately, (grand)parents will not be that far along on their way to meet us as well.