Late breakfast?

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I serve bf at 8:00. Now, if there is only one or 2 rooms and they like to have it at 9:00, I am all for it since I never get to sleep in. Early bf just have to settle for continental.....
What did you end up doing?
I think we have a pretty generous window - 7-9 AM weekdays, 8-9:30 weekends. I just made my weekday breakfast start earlier at 7 AM this week. Going past 9 during the week just mkes it too hard for me to get everything done. We have served breakfast at 10 AM on the weekend to a multiple night stay a couple of times but not if they were due to check-out. With check-out at 11AM, that's just really pushing it..
Samster said:
What did you end up doing?
They're not here yet.
I did breakfast at 10:00 this morning, loved it! I hate to get up early, and 10:00 suites me fine if I don't also have to do earlier for anyone else. My other guests last night informed me after arriving at 10:00 pm that they had to leave at 4:00am to catch a flight. I was thinking, you must be kidding, WHY did you even come here where most of what's nice about being here is - being here. Well, 4:00am is just tooooooo early for me under any circumstances except the house being on fire. So, I told them I would leave Cheerios on the counter and a fruit bowl in the refrigerator that they could help themselves to. I do think giving people breakfast whenever they want it is part of the deal, although I know and understand many B&B's have set times and that's it. The breakfast part of a B&B is a big deal and I don't want my guests to miss it or have it any time other than when they want it. 4:00am I just couldn't do, but two weeks ago I had a whole week of fishermen and they like to eat at what I consider the middle of the night; some at 5:00am and another group at 6:00. I have to get up an hour or two earlier, and that just ruins my day, but it doesn't happen too often. I try to talk my people into 9:00am breakfast, and I'm successful about 80% of the time..
sunburst2 said:
I did breakfast at 10:00 this morning, loved it! I hate to get up early, and 10:00 suites me fine if I don't also have to do earlier for anyone else. My other guests last night informed me after arriving at 10:00 pm that they had to leave at 4:00am to catch a flight. I was thinking, you must be kidding, WHY did you even come here where most of what's nice about being here is - being here. Well, 4:00am is just tooooooo early for me under any circumstances except the house being on fire. So, I told them I would leave Cheerios on the counter and a fruit bowl in the refrigerator that they could help themselves to. I do think giving people breakfast whenever they want it is part of the deal, although I know and understand many B&B's have set times and that's it. The breakfast part of a B&B is a big deal and I don't want my guests to miss it or have it any time other than when they want it. 4:00am I just couldn't do, but two weeks ago I had a whole week of fishermen and they like to eat at what I consider the middle of the night; some at 5:00am and another group at 6:00. I have to get up an hour or two earlier, and that just ruins my day, but it doesn't happen too often. I try to talk my people into 9:00am breakfast, and I'm successful about 80% of the time.
Ya know I don't think anyone wants to eat breakfast at 4 or 5am, I think they would appreciate coffee and something small (even an apple, banana or orange that is not precut) to grab on the go.
The only time we ever ate breakfast at those hours are when we were on the road traveling and you found a place to stop and stretch your legs. Never from a just woke up stand point to eating a big meal.
J.B. Maybe you don't like to eat much at 4 or 5am, and neither do I; but you are presuming quite a bit to assume that nobody does! I was prepared to give my fishermen a quick "take it with you" bag of fruit, cereal, donuts, etc. They told me that they would take time to have a good hot breakfast. They were a group of disabled vets. some who came here straight from Walter Reed Hospital for a fishing outing. I think they liked my food better than hospital food because they chowed down pretty well whatever the time, and I was happy to feed them.
sunburst2 said:
J.B. Maybe you don't like to eat much at 4 or 5am, and neither do I; but you are presuming quite a bit to assume that nobody does! I was prepared to give my fishermen a quick "take it with you" bag of fruit, cereal, donuts, etc. They told me that they would take time to have a good hot breakfast. They were a group of disabled vets. some who came here straight from Walter Reed Hospital for a fishing outing. I think they liked my food better than hospital food because they chowed down pretty well whatever the time, and I was happy to feed them.
Do I need to go find a study on how many people like or don't like to chow down at 4 or 5am? Come on be realistic. I think any time someone offers to make a full deal meal for you it is appreciated. Then there is number of guests who say just a piece of toast and coffee is what they prefer even at 8 or 9am.
I really like the fact that we only have two cottages. If both cottages are filled, then the COMPLIMENTARY breakfast is at 8:30. If only one cottage is occupied, then we allow them to fudge the time in either directions by 30 minutes. We will do a "to-go" breakfast if we are given advanced notice.
As I said, our breakfast is complimentary. They can eat at the designated time or go into to town.
What did you end up doing?
I think we have a pretty generous window - 7-9 AM weekdays, 8-9:30 weekends. I just made my weekday breakfast start earlier at 7 AM this week. Going past 9 during the week just mkes it too hard for me to get everything done. We have served breakfast at 10 AM on the weekend to a multiple night stay a couple of times but not if they were due to check-out. With check-out at 11AM, that's just really pushing it..
Samster said:
What did you end up doing?
They were at the table at 8:30, mostly bright eyed and bushy tailed. Then the parents disappeared and left the kids to wander at will. I had to leave to go to dr appt and when I came back the kids were in my neighbor's yard on the swing set. No sign of parents.
What did you end up doing?
I think we have a pretty generous window - 7-9 AM weekdays, 8-9:30 weekends. I just made my weekday breakfast start earlier at 7 AM this week. Going past 9 during the week just mkes it too hard for me to get everything done. We have served breakfast at 10 AM on the weekend to a multiple night stay a couple of times but not if they were due to check-out. With check-out at 11AM, that's just really pushing it..
Samster said:
What did you end up doing?
They were at the table at 8:30, mostly bright eyed and bushy tailed. Then the parents disappeared and left the kids to wander at will. I had to leave to go to dr appt and when I came back the kids were in my neighbor's yard on the swing set. No sign of parents.
What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?
What did you end up doing?
I think we have a pretty generous window - 7-9 AM weekdays, 8-9:30 weekends. I just made my weekday breakfast start earlier at 7 AM this week. Going past 9 during the week just mkes it too hard for me to get everything done. We have served breakfast at 10 AM on the weekend to a multiple night stay a couple of times but not if they were due to check-out. With check-out at 11AM, that's just really pushing it..
Samster said:
What did you end up doing?
They were at the table at 8:30, mostly bright eyed and bushy tailed. Then the parents disappeared and left the kids to wander at will. I had to leave to go to dr appt and when I came back the kids were in my neighbor's yard on the swing set. No sign of parents.
What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?
"What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?"
People do that all the time at hotels...depend on the pool, game room, playground or whatever to keep their kids entertained while they're drinking or doing whatever. At least these are my observations after years in that industry.
What did you end up doing?
I think we have a pretty generous window - 7-9 AM weekdays, 8-9:30 weekends. I just made my weekday breakfast start earlier at 7 AM this week. Going past 9 during the week just mkes it too hard for me to get everything done. We have served breakfast at 10 AM on the weekend to a multiple night stay a couple of times but not if they were due to check-out. With check-out at 11AM, that's just really pushing it..
Samster said:
What did you end up doing?
They were at the table at 8:30, mostly bright eyed and bushy tailed. Then the parents disappeared and left the kids to wander at will. I had to leave to go to dr appt and when I came back the kids were in my neighbor's yard on the swing set. No sign of parents.
What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?
"What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?"
People do that all the time at hotels...depend on the pool, game room, playground or whatever to keep their kids entertained while they're drinking or doing whatever. At least these are my observations after years in that industry.
Little Blue said:
"What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?"
People do that all the time at hotels...depend on the pool, game room, playground or whatever to keep their kids entertained while they're drinking or doing whatever. At least these are my observations after years in that industry.
Just another reason our policies read "No Children"
What did you end up doing?
I think we have a pretty generous window - 7-9 AM weekdays, 8-9:30 weekends. I just made my weekday breakfast start earlier at 7 AM this week. Going past 9 during the week just mkes it too hard for me to get everything done. We have served breakfast at 10 AM on the weekend to a multiple night stay a couple of times but not if they were due to check-out. With check-out at 11AM, that's just really pushing it..
Samster said:
What did you end up doing?
They were at the table at 8:30, mostly bright eyed and bushy tailed. Then the parents disappeared and left the kids to wander at will. I had to leave to go to dr appt and when I came back the kids were in my neighbor's yard on the swing set. No sign of parents.
What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?
"What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?"
People do that all the time at hotels...depend on the pool, game room, playground or whatever to keep their kids entertained while they're drinking or doing whatever. At least these are my observations after years in that industry.
Little Blue said:
"What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?"
People do that all the time at hotels...depend on the pool, game room, playground or whatever to keep their kids entertained while they're drinking or doing whatever. At least these are my observations after years in that industry.
I just mentioned this to a couple who checked out who left all their kids behind with a sitter. It was their special getaway, nothing special about it for a pack of kids! They agreed, bring a baggie of quarters and let them run the halls in a hotel and get drinks and snacks from the vending machines, swim in the pool, do all the things that kids like to do!
What did you end up doing?
I think we have a pretty generous window - 7-9 AM weekdays, 8-9:30 weekends. I just made my weekday breakfast start earlier at 7 AM this week. Going past 9 during the week just mkes it too hard for me to get everything done. We have served breakfast at 10 AM on the weekend to a multiple night stay a couple of times but not if they were due to check-out. With check-out at 11AM, that's just really pushing it..
Samster said:
What did you end up doing?
They were at the table at 8:30, mostly bright eyed and bushy tailed. Then the parents disappeared and left the kids to wander at will. I had to leave to go to dr appt and when I came back the kids were in my neighbor's yard on the swing set. No sign of parents.
What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?
Samster said:
What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?
It happens to us here as well. One minute the parents are there with the kids and then you turn your back to go into the kitchen and when you return the kids are sitting watching TV and the parents are gone.
What did you end up doing?
I think we have a pretty generous window - 7-9 AM weekdays, 8-9:30 weekends. I just made my weekday breakfast start earlier at 7 AM this week. Going past 9 during the week just mkes it too hard for me to get everything done. We have served breakfast at 10 AM on the weekend to a multiple night stay a couple of times but not if they were due to check-out. With check-out at 11AM, that's just really pushing it..
Samster said:
What did you end up doing?
They were at the table at 8:30, mostly bright eyed and bushy tailed. Then the parents disappeared and left the kids to wander at will. I had to leave to go to dr appt and when I came back the kids were in my neighbor's yard on the swing set. No sign of parents.
What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?
Samster said:
What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?
It happens to us here as well. One minute the parents are there with the kids and then you turn your back to go into the kitchen and when you return the kids are sitting watching TV and the parents are gone.
MooseTrax said:
Samster said:
What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?
It happens to us here as well. One minute the parents are there with the kids and then you turn your back to go into the kitchen and when you return the kids are sitting watching TV and the parents are gone.
See to me this is the deal, if I am in a BnB that accepts kids I would let my kids wander and do what they want to.
Sorry to shock anyone here...but it is a homey environment, and if kids are allowed then they are allowed to be kids. You can quote me on that one. My coffee must have kicked in to be so wise before 10am. :)
What did you end up doing?
I think we have a pretty generous window - 7-9 AM weekdays, 8-9:30 weekends. I just made my weekday breakfast start earlier at 7 AM this week. Going past 9 during the week just mkes it too hard for me to get everything done. We have served breakfast at 10 AM on the weekend to a multiple night stay a couple of times but not if they were due to check-out. With check-out at 11AM, that's just really pushing it..
Samster said:
What did you end up doing?
They were at the table at 8:30, mostly bright eyed and bushy tailed. Then the parents disappeared and left the kids to wander at will. I had to leave to go to dr appt and when I came back the kids were in my neighbor's yard on the swing set. No sign of parents.
What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?
"What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?"
People do that all the time at hotels...depend on the pool, game room, playground or whatever to keep their kids entertained while they're drinking or doing whatever. At least these are my observations after years in that industry.
Little Blue said:
"What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?"
People do that all the time at hotels...depend on the pool, game room, playground or whatever to keep their kids entertained while they're drinking or doing whatever. At least these are my observations after years in that industry.
I just mentioned this to a couple who checked out who left all their kids behind with a sitter. It was their special getaway, nothing special about it for a pack of kids! They agreed, bring a baggie of quarters and let them run the halls in a hotel and get drinks and snacks from the vending machines, swim in the pool, do all the things that kids like to do!
When we went camping the kids were allowed to go and be kids. We camped at a State Park that was not too far away (gas money) and cheap. There was no swimming but there were playgrounds, trails, and space. The middle son turned into a fisherman there. He called a few days ago saying he was there with his son - he was fishing and the almost 3 year old was scting like Zorro (if he had known who Zorro was) with the little fishing pole he had. But he is teaching his son fishing.
I like State Parks and camping for families with kids - especially city kids. They can actually have space!
What did you end up doing?
I think we have a pretty generous window - 7-9 AM weekdays, 8-9:30 weekends. I just made my weekday breakfast start earlier at 7 AM this week. Going past 9 during the week just mkes it too hard for me to get everything done. We have served breakfast at 10 AM on the weekend to a multiple night stay a couple of times but not if they were due to check-out. With check-out at 11AM, that's just really pushing it..
Samster said:
What did you end up doing?
They were at the table at 8:30, mostly bright eyed and bushy tailed. Then the parents disappeared and left the kids to wander at will. I had to leave to go to dr appt and when I came back the kids were in my neighbor's yard on the swing set. No sign of parents.
What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?
"What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?"
People do that all the time at hotels...depend on the pool, game room, playground or whatever to keep their kids entertained while they're drinking or doing whatever. At least these are my observations after years in that industry.
Little Blue said:
"What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?"
People do that all the time at hotels...depend on the pool, game room, playground or whatever to keep their kids entertained while they're drinking or doing whatever. At least these are my observations after years in that industry.
I just mentioned this to a couple who checked out who left all their kids behind with a sitter. It was their special getaway, nothing special about it for a pack of kids! They agreed, bring a baggie of quarters and let them run the halls in a hotel and get drinks and snacks from the vending machines, swim in the pool, do all the things that kids like to do!
When we went camping the kids were allowed to go and be kids. We camped at a State Park that was not too far away (gas money) and cheap. There was no swimming but there were playgrounds, trails, and space. The middle son turned into a fisherman there. He called a few days ago saying he was there with his son - he was fishing and the almost 3 year old was scting like Zorro (if he had known who Zorro was) with the little fishing pole he had. But he is teaching his son fishing.
I like State Parks and camping for families with kids - especially city kids. They can actually have space!
gillumhouse said:
When we went camping the kids were allowed to go and be kids. We camped at a State Park that was not too far away (gas money) and cheap. There was no swimming but there were playgrounds, trails, and space. The middle son turned into a fisherman there. He called a few days ago saying he was there with his son - he was fishing and the almost 3 year old was scting like Zorro (if he had known who Zorro was) with the little fishing pole he had. But he is teaching his son fishing.
I like State Parks and camping for families with kids - especially city kids. They can actually have space!
I am on the mailing list for WV State Parks...usually about now they start sending me great specials for lodges etc that make me want to run away...esp the midweek specials, my cup of tea. This is not the newsletter but the website, I love the way to add learning into everything.
When they were old enough to be out & about all day anyway, we hired someone to come in and spend the night with them while WE went camping - the only thing affordable after paying the night sitter to sleep at the house. Theat one weekend a year is probably why we are still together.
What did you end up doing?
I think we have a pretty generous window - 7-9 AM weekdays, 8-9:30 weekends. I just made my weekday breakfast start earlier at 7 AM this week. Going past 9 during the week just mkes it too hard for me to get everything done. We have served breakfast at 10 AM on the weekend to a multiple night stay a couple of times but not if they were due to check-out. With check-out at 11AM, that's just really pushing it..
Samster said:
What did you end up doing?
They were at the table at 8:30, mostly bright eyed and bushy tailed. Then the parents disappeared and left the kids to wander at will. I had to leave to go to dr appt and when I came back the kids were in my neighbor's yard on the swing set. No sign of parents.
What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?
"What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?"
People do that all the time at hotels...depend on the pool, game room, playground or whatever to keep their kids entertained while they're drinking or doing whatever. At least these are my observations after years in that industry.
Little Blue said:
"What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?"
People do that all the time at hotels...depend on the pool, game room, playground or whatever to keep their kids entertained while they're drinking or doing whatever. At least these are my observations after years in that industry.
I just mentioned this to a couple who checked out who left all their kids behind with a sitter. It was their special getaway, nothing special about it for a pack of kids! They agreed, bring a baggie of quarters and let them run the halls in a hotel and get drinks and snacks from the vending machines, swim in the pool, do all the things that kids like to do!
When we went camping the kids were allowed to go and be kids. We camped at a State Park that was not too far away (gas money) and cheap. There was no swimming but there were playgrounds, trails, and space. The middle son turned into a fisherman there. He called a few days ago saying he was there with his son - he was fishing and the almost 3 year old was scting like Zorro (if he had known who Zorro was) with the little fishing pole he had. But he is teaching his son fishing.
I like State Parks and camping for families with kids - especially city kids. They can actually have space!
gillumhouse said:
When we went camping the kids were allowed to go and be kids. We camped at a State Park that was not too far away (gas money) and cheap. There was no swimming but there were playgrounds, trails, and space. The middle son turned into a fisherman there. He called a few days ago saying he was there with his son - he was fishing and the almost 3 year old was scting like Zorro (if he had known who Zorro was) with the little fishing pole he had. But he is teaching his son fishing.
I like State Parks and camping for families with kids - especially city kids. They can actually have space!
I am on the mailing list for WV State Parks...usually about now they start sending me great specials for lodges etc that make me want to run away...esp the midweek specials, my cup of tea. This is not the newsletter but the website, I love the way to add learning into everything.
Pipestem, Chief Logan, and Bluestone are not far from you at all. Blackwater Falls is a bit farther but the hiking trails are wonderful, the Falls are gorgeous, and they have horsebck riding. We camped there one year on the way back to Illinois from a WV/Gettysburg trip meeting some friends who were on their way to NC. We had a ball. Took the kids riding & swimming. Made tacos by lamplight (they got there late) the first night and the next afternoon I was hanging homemade noodles on the clothes line to dry - in a light rain. Those kind of trips are what make lifelong memories.
What did you end up doing?
I think we have a pretty generous window - 7-9 AM weekdays, 8-9:30 weekends. I just made my weekday breakfast start earlier at 7 AM this week. Going past 9 during the week just mkes it too hard for me to get everything done. We have served breakfast at 10 AM on the weekend to a multiple night stay a couple of times but not if they were due to check-out. With check-out at 11AM, that's just really pushing it..
Samster said:
What did you end up doing?
They were at the table at 8:30, mostly bright eyed and bushy tailed. Then the parents disappeared and left the kids to wander at will. I had to leave to go to dr appt and when I came back the kids were in my neighbor's yard on the swing set. No sign of parents.
What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?
"What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?"
People do that all the time at hotels...depend on the pool, game room, playground or whatever to keep their kids entertained while they're drinking or doing whatever. At least these are my observations after years in that industry.
Little Blue said:
"What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?"
People do that all the time at hotels...depend on the pool, game room, playground or whatever to keep their kids entertained while they're drinking or doing whatever. At least these are my observations after years in that industry.
I just mentioned this to a couple who checked out who left all their kids behind with a sitter. It was their special getaway, nothing special about it for a pack of kids! They agreed, bring a baggie of quarters and let them run the halls in a hotel and get drinks and snacks from the vending machines, swim in the pool, do all the things that kids like to do!
See, I wouldn't do that either at a hotel. Kids may like to run up and down the halls of hotels but I don't think that's acceptable behavior. Running around is what kids do at the park or playground. The next step is the people who let their kids wander away from their table in a restaurant while they sit there yakking it up with each other. Whatever happened to parents watching their own children? Oh, that's right...I'm naive. :)
If you want a vacation from your kids, leave them with the grandparents or some other family member. That's what we did.
ETA: We went camping a lot for family vacations or went to kid friendly places. :)
What did you end up doing?
I think we have a pretty generous window - 7-9 AM weekdays, 8-9:30 weekends. I just made my weekday breakfast start earlier at 7 AM this week. Going past 9 during the week just mkes it too hard for me to get everything done. We have served breakfast at 10 AM on the weekend to a multiple night stay a couple of times but not if they were due to check-out. With check-out at 11AM, that's just really pushing it..
Samster said:
What did you end up doing?
They were at the table at 8:30, mostly bright eyed and bushy tailed. Then the parents disappeared and left the kids to wander at will. I had to leave to go to dr appt and when I came back the kids were in my neighbor's yard on the swing set. No sign of parents.
What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?
Samster said:
What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?
It happens to us here as well. One minute the parents are there with the kids and then you turn your back to go into the kitchen and when you return the kids are sitting watching TV and the parents are gone.
MooseTrax said:
Samster said:
What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?
It happens to us here as well. One minute the parents are there with the kids and then you turn your back to go into the kitchen and when you return the kids are sitting watching TV and the parents are gone.
See to me this is the deal, if I am in a BnB that accepts kids I would let my kids wander and do what they want to.
Sorry to shock anyone here...but it is a homey environment, and if kids are allowed then they are allowed to be kids. You can quote me on that one. My coffee must have kicked in to be so wise before 10am. :)
Joe Bloggs said:
MooseTrax said:
Samster said:
What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?
It happens to us here as well. One minute the parents are there with the kids and then you turn your back to go into the kitchen and when you return the kids are sitting watching TV and the parents are gone.
See to me this is the deal, if I am in a BnB that accepts kids I would let my kids wander and do what they want to.
Sorry to shock anyone here...but it is a homey environment, and if kids are allowed then they are allowed to be kids. You can quote me on that one. My coffee must have kicked in to be so wise before 10am. :)
None of us wants to be a babysitter. We have other things to do during the day rather than worry that someone's child is going to wander off, break things, go into the kitchen and rootle around or into my quarters- and I have found kids in my quarters.
What kids like to do is explore. They open doors. They go into rooms and jump on the beds. As homey as this environment may be it is not their grandparents' house. Kids are welcome if their parents are keeping an eye on them.
We are not here all day. If the parents go off believing one of us is here keeping an eye on things, they are wrong.
I don't mind if the parents are here and they send the kids outside to play. Outside. Not inside wandering all over running up and down the stairs. Not blasting the TV or taking every game and book down off the shelf and then leaving it all in a pile on the floor. We have outside toys they can play with- bat & wiffle ball, soccer ball, frisbee, jump ropes.
Yes, that must have been one heck of a coffee you had this morning!

What did you end up doing?
I think we have a pretty generous window - 7-9 AM weekdays, 8-9:30 weekends. I just made my weekday breakfast start earlier at 7 AM this week. Going past 9 during the week just mkes it too hard for me to get everything done. We have served breakfast at 10 AM on the weekend to a multiple night stay a couple of times but not if they were due to check-out. With check-out at 11AM, that's just really pushing it..
Samster said:
What did you end up doing?
They were at the table at 8:30, mostly bright eyed and bushy tailed. Then the parents disappeared and left the kids to wander at will. I had to leave to go to dr appt and when I came back the kids were in my neighbor's yard on the swing set. No sign of parents.
What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?
Samster said:
What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?
It happens to us here as well. One minute the parents are there with the kids and then you turn your back to go into the kitchen and when you return the kids are sitting watching TV and the parents are gone.
MooseTrax said:
Samster said:
What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?
It happens to us here as well. One minute the parents are there with the kids and then you turn your back to go into the kitchen and when you return the kids are sitting watching TV and the parents are gone.
See to me this is the deal, if I am in a BnB that accepts kids I would let my kids wander and do what they want to.
Sorry to shock anyone here...but it is a homey environment, and if kids are allowed then they are allowed to be kids. You can quote me on that one. My coffee must have kicked in to be so wise before 10am. :)
Joe Bloggs said:
MooseTrax said:
Samster said:
What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?
It happens to us here as well. One minute the parents are there with the kids and then you turn your back to go into the kitchen and when you return the kids are sitting watching TV and the parents are gone.
See to me this is the deal, if I am in a BnB that accepts kids I would let my kids wander and do what they want to.
Sorry to shock anyone here...but it is a homey environment, and if kids are allowed then they are allowed to be kids. You can quote me on that one. My coffee must have kicked in to be so wise before 10am. :)
None of us wants to be a babysitter. We have other things to do during the day rather than worry that someone's child is going to wander off, break things, go into the kitchen and rootle around or into my quarters- and I have found kids in my quarters.
What kids like to do is explore. They open doors. They go into rooms and jump on the beds. As homey as this environment may be it is not their grandparents' house. Kids are welcome if their parents are keeping an eye on them.
We are not here all day. If the parents go off believing one of us is here keeping an eye on things, they are wrong.
I don't mind if the parents are here and they send the kids outside to play. Outside. Not inside wandering all over running up and down the stairs. Not blasting the TV or taking every game and book down off the shelf and then leaving it all in a pile on the floor. We have outside toys they can play with- bat & wiffle ball, soccer ball, frisbee, jump ropes.
Yes, that must have been one heck of a coffee you had this morning!

MooseTrax said:
Joe Bloggs said:
MooseTrax said:
Samster said:
What the heck?? Parents just leave their kids to run around without supervision at a lodging establishment?
It happens to us here as well. One minute the parents are there with the kids and then you turn your back to go into the kitchen and when you return the kids are sitting watching TV and the parents are gone.
See to me this is the deal, if I am in a BnB that accepts kids I would let my kids wander and do what they want to.
Sorry to shock anyone here...but it is a homey environment, and if kids are allowed then they are allowed to be kids. You can quote me on that one. My coffee must have kicked in to be so wise before 10am. :)
None of us wants to be a babysitter. We have other things to do during the day rather than worry that someone's child is going to wander off, break things, go into the kitchen and rootle around or into my quarters- and I have found kids in my quarters.
What kids like to do is explore. They open doors. They go into rooms and jump on the beds. As homey as this environment may be it is not their grandparents' house. Kids are welcome if their parents are keeping an eye on them.
We are not here all day. If the parents go off believing one of us is here keeping an eye on things, they are wrong.
I don't mind if the parents are here and they send the kids outside to play. Outside. Not inside wandering all over running up and down the stairs. Not blasting the TV or taking every game and book down off the shelf and then leaving it all in a pile on the floor. We have outside toys they can play with- bat & wiffle ball, soccer ball, frisbee, jump ropes.
Yes, that must have been one heck of a coffee you had this morning!
The number of kids I know who cannot be still inside, any place, ever. The tv IS the babysitter. Parents (if there are two) both work, feed the kids sugar and crapola like pig snouts (hot dogs) and chemicals and msg (doritos) and wonder why they won't sit still.

All I am saying is if you accept kids, you are going to get that, Kids. Love em or hate em, they are kids. People think that everyone understand their misbehavior. Go to the grocery store it is there every day - kids screaming and the parents continue to shop. My nerves are twitching just thinking about it.

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