Lady bug, Lady bug, fly away home...

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the "ladies" visiting us look like the red ones in the upper right hand corner.
(sorry for all the typos in my posts...i am normally a spelling nitpicker & when i looked back at some of my conversations i was amazed how many wrong buttons i must have pushed & not realized it. i'm a great speller just not a great typer!).
I, for one, am not your English teacher...just glad to hear from you
Don't worry about the typos!
Twice a year - Spring & Fall - every year. In this area it's a controlled release of the Asian Beetles that are supposed to control another critter that is killing off the Hemlocks.
As mentioned, they are attracted to white, sunny spots and attics. Our house is white, and The Groundskeeper's Room is in the attic and painted white. I ended up ironing up there simply so I could vacuum them up as they appeared and have it as much under control as possible before our guests arrive.
Those lady bugs, like the )(*(**&%^*%^ Japanese beetle, were imported by some government idiot because they eat aphids. They don't hybernate or die off or whatever our native lady bugs do.
I have been told that the only way to keep them out during the cold weather is to treat the outside of the house late summer. These bugs give off an odor to tell all the other bugs that they have found a nice warm place to winter. So it's too late to treat your house right now.
I can't recall what they treat it with, and am not sure I want to spray my B&B with anything and have not researched to find out if it's environmentally safe.