Just plain rude

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i have not seen anyone else's places, so i don't know how your space feels and how your b&b operates in your locations.
my village is very small. the store closes at 7 (earlier come september) and EVERYTHING closes up by 9:30 -- again, in late september the restaurants will close up for the season --- so if someone arrives late (which can be only 6 pm in september - and too late to get a meal), they can't get something to eat around here. this makes it hard for me to get guests to come here. so, if they bring something along to eat, it is helpful for them to be able to heat it up. i have guest fridges on each floor and they are very good about sharing space for the most part.
in three years i have not had a problem with burnt food in the microwave. very little mess (so far). it's in the library next to the coffee makers and water cooler and i give it a quick wipe out each day. of course there is the possibility of such a problem, but these folks don't want to ruin their meal any more than i want the smell and mess of a burnt meal. so i will keep my fingers crossed.
i am not saying you have to cater to every whim and request of your guests. you can't possibly be all things to all people. but when guests are repeatedly asking for something, it is worth considering.
if it is more of a problem than a help, take it away..
so if someone arrives late (which can be only 6 pm in september - and too late to get a meal),
Wow that's an interesting problem. You almost need instructions on your directions that declare "last stop to get something to eat" (maybe you already have that). We mainly only run into that here when we get people coming from NYC who wait until 9:30 before even thinking about going out to dinner and then realize that they all stop seating people by 9:00. Had a couple arrive here once at close to midnight and wanted to know where to get dinner.... err... there's a gas station 6 miles up the road that sells frozen burritos :(
i have not seen anyone else's places, so i don't know how your space feels and how your b&b operates in your locations.
my village is very small. the store closes at 7 (earlier come september) and EVERYTHING closes up by 9:30 -- again, in late september the restaurants will close up for the season --- so if someone arrives late (which can be only 6 pm in september - and too late to get a meal), they can't get something to eat around here. this makes it hard for me to get guests to come here. so, if they bring something along to eat, it is helpful for them to be able to heat it up. i have guest fridges on each floor and they are very good about sharing space for the most part.
in three years i have not had a problem with burnt food in the microwave. very little mess (so far). it's in the library next to the coffee makers and water cooler and i give it a quick wipe out each day. of course there is the possibility of such a problem, but these folks don't want to ruin their meal any more than i want the smell and mess of a burnt meal. so i will keep my fingers crossed.
i am not saying you have to cater to every whim and request of your guests. you can't possibly be all things to all people. but when guests are repeatedly asking for something, it is worth considering.
if it is more of a problem than a help, take it away..
seashanty said:
i am not saying you have to cater to every whim and request of your guests. you can't possibly be all things to all people. but when guests are repeatedly asking for something, it is worth considering.
And there's the rub...no one ASKS, they take. (So no one has come out and asked for a micro, they have just used the one they saw.) Family here right now cleaned out every last 'treat' that was put out yesterday and started asking hubs this afternoon for more. They were JUST out eating lunch and IN a small grocery store. Did mom bother to get them anything for this afternoon? Not a chance. Have they been out of the house all day? To have lunch and now they are back. (I do like it if I can go about the day's tasks without being watched.) Not to mention that I have noticed the girl is a sneak. She goes behind everything to see what's going on. I was checking in a guest and I found her reading their reservation form when I turned around to show them something.
Sorry, I'm fried right now. I have NO time alone at all. The 2 hours I spent at the laundry tpday (washing the mess the other kid made when he peed the bed) was spent listening to a woman tell me all about how the Lord provides. (It was a very interesting story and I am sure that if I were her I would have thought she was sent to teach me a lesson...here I am griping about 2 hours at the laundry when she is living in a tent with 2 teenagers and 3 dogs because the house they were renting was sold and they had to move.)
So, actually, the micro is not going out today because of this family. I do NOT want them making all their meals here and NEVER leaving the house.
i have not seen anyone else's places, so i don't know how your space feels and how your b&b operates in your locations.
my village is very small. the store closes at 7 (earlier come september) and EVERYTHING closes up by 9:30 -- again, in late september the restaurants will close up for the season --- so if someone arrives late (which can be only 6 pm in september - and too late to get a meal), they can't get something to eat around here. this makes it hard for me to get guests to come here. so, if they bring something along to eat, it is helpful for them to be able to heat it up. i have guest fridges on each floor and they are very good about sharing space for the most part.
in three years i have not had a problem with burnt food in the microwave. very little mess (so far). it's in the library next to the coffee makers and water cooler and i give it a quick wipe out each day. of course there is the possibility of such a problem, but these folks don't want to ruin their meal any more than i want the smell and mess of a burnt meal. so i will keep my fingers crossed.
i am not saying you have to cater to every whim and request of your guests. you can't possibly be all things to all people. but when guests are repeatedly asking for something, it is worth considering.
if it is more of a problem than a help, take it away..
seashanty said:
i am not saying you have to cater to every whim and request of your guests. you can't possibly be all things to all people. but when guests are repeatedly asking for something, it is worth considering.
And there's the rub...no one ASKS, they take. (So no one has come out and asked for a micro, they have just used the one they saw.) Family here right now cleaned out every last 'treat' that was put out yesterday and started asking hubs this afternoon for more. They were JUST out eating lunch and IN a small grocery store. Did mom bother to get them anything for this afternoon? Not a chance. Have they been out of the house all day? To have lunch and now they are back. (I do like it if I can go about the day's tasks without being watched.) Not to mention that I have noticed the girl is a sneak. She goes behind everything to see what's going on. I was checking in a guest and I found her reading their reservation form when I turned around to show them something.
Sorry, I'm fried right now. I have NO time alone at all. The 2 hours I spent at the laundry tpday (washing the mess the other kid made when he peed the bed) was spent listening to a woman tell me all about how the Lord provides. (It was a very interesting story and I am sure that if I were her I would have thought she was sent to teach me a lesson...here I am griping about 2 hours at the laundry when she is living in a tent with 2 teenagers and 3 dogs because the house they were renting was sold and they had to move.)
So, actually, the micro is not going out today because of this family. I do NOT want them making all their meals here and NEVER leaving the house.
Ok, sounds like you need to do a winter project, PUT UP A WALL around your kitchen with a locked door..
.Sorry I just had to say that...I know you are not in the mood for my smart alec remarks..but really...if there was any way you could do that....I WOULD!!!!
maybe you would lose a little bit of space..but then whatever you have out on the guest peninsula area is all they can get their crummy little hands on!
well bree ...
i think what you really need is a break.
and you are not likely to get one right now.
(( hugs ))
One thing I have discovered from this circle of friends is that the populations of the regions of this country are TOTALLY different!!!
I do get a few guests requesting to put something in the refigerator or ice blocks in the freezer. I get a few bringing their "doggie bags" - which they usually drive off without. Other than warming up a bottle, I have never had a guest ask to reheat anything.
I do put a basket with 2 bananas, no more than 5 apples if some are small, a couple granola bars, and a couple packages of "mini" cookies on the dresser (or mantle) of the guest rooms. Sometimes they are cleaned out - sometimes untouches. I get the mini cookies and granola bars in the generic section of my grocery (individually wrapped packages of course). The granolas are 6 in a box for $1 and I cannot remember of the cookies are 12 pkgs or 10 for the $1 (and I am not going to run upstairs to check). I scatter silk rose petals on the bed for couples (omit for singles, mother/daughter or sisters) and scatter Hershey's kisses on the bed too (previous exceptions get a small glass bowl on the dresser with same).
I do get those (not many) popping into the kitchen - they are just nosy and want to look and they usually get an eyeful. oh well.... My biggest problem is the "helpers" who want to help clear the table or take dishes into the kitchen - telling them that DH has a system that even I do not mess with usually takes care of that. I get a lot of first timers, most of whom state they do not want to go to another hotel ever again. Other than my table setting, there is nothing elegant about my inn. I could never carry it off for one thing. Socks has been here and can describe it (no sugar-coat needed Socks - I am aware of my limitations).
I have had very few who were PITAs and admit freely they were mostly from the NE (and that is not Nebraska).
Edited to add, I am a bed & breakfast so I do not publicize nor offer (other than water, coffee, tea, or juice) afternoon refrestments. I prefer they go to the shops in town and spend money there.
i have not seen anyone else's places, so i don't know how your space feels and how your b&b operates in your locations.
my village is very small. the store closes at 7 (earlier come september) and EVERYTHING closes up by 9:30 -- again, in late september the restaurants will close up for the season --- so if someone arrives late (which can be only 6 pm in september - and too late to get a meal), they can't get something to eat around here. this makes it hard for me to get guests to come here. so, if they bring something along to eat, it is helpful for them to be able to heat it up. i have guest fridges on each floor and they are very good about sharing space for the most part.
in three years i have not had a problem with burnt food in the microwave. very little mess (so far). it's in the library next to the coffee makers and water cooler and i give it a quick wipe out each day. of course there is the possibility of such a problem, but these folks don't want to ruin their meal any more than i want the smell and mess of a burnt meal. so i will keep my fingers crossed.
i am not saying you have to cater to every whim and request of your guests. you can't possibly be all things to all people. but when guests are repeatedly asking for something, it is worth considering.
if it is more of a problem than a help, take it away..
seashanty said:
i am not saying you have to cater to every whim and request of your guests. you can't possibly be all things to all people. but when guests are repeatedly asking for something, it is worth considering.
And there's the rub...no one ASKS, they take. (So no one has come out and asked for a micro, they have just used the one they saw.) Family here right now cleaned out every last 'treat' that was put out yesterday and started asking hubs this afternoon for more. They were JUST out eating lunch and IN a small grocery store. Did mom bother to get them anything for this afternoon? Not a chance. Have they been out of the house all day? To have lunch and now they are back. (I do like it if I can go about the day's tasks without being watched.) Not to mention that I have noticed the girl is a sneak. She goes behind everything to see what's going on. I was checking in a guest and I found her reading their reservation form when I turned around to show them something.
Sorry, I'm fried right now. I have NO time alone at all. The 2 hours I spent at the laundry tpday (washing the mess the other kid made when he peed the bed) was spent listening to a woman tell me all about how the Lord provides. (It was a very interesting story and I am sure that if I were her I would have thought she was sent to teach me a lesson...here I am griping about 2 hours at the laundry when she is living in a tent with 2 teenagers and 3 dogs because the house they were renting was sold and they had to move.)
So, actually, the micro is not going out today because of this family. I do NOT want them making all their meals here and NEVER leaving the house.
Yep, sounds like you're on your last raw nerve with dealing with a broken washer, intruders, and people that are "takers"! And you've been running full steam to boot.

Wish I could come up there & give you a hand since there's nothing happening here right now :) But no $$$ to do that :-(
I hope you can at least take a minute to get off your feet and have a glass of wine for 10 minutes without worrying about what's coming up next.

well bree ...
i think what you really need is a break.
and you are not likely to get one right now.
(( hugs )).
seashanty said:
well bree ...
i think what you really need is a break.
and you are not likely to get one right now.
(( hugs ))
The 17th. I can hold out until then!
The gal from Lowes called this afternoon...the stacking kit for the washer/dryer isn't in stock. We just went thru this with the WASHER not being in stock and they gave us a free upgrade because of that. She said she would have them deliver the washer & dryer on Tuesday anyway. Oh, REALLY? And where do you expect me to put that? It's a STACKABLE for a reason.
Anyway, I told her to do her best, we'd be in touch tomorrow and then I was going out shopping somewhere else if she couldn't deliver.
well bree ...
i think what you really need is a break.
and you are not likely to get one right now.
(( hugs )).
seashanty said:
well bree ...
i think what you really need is a break.
and you are not likely to get one right now.
(( hugs ))
The 17th. I can hold out until then!
The gal from Lowes called this afternoon...the stacking kit for the washer/dryer isn't in stock. We just went thru this with the WASHER not being in stock and they gave us a free upgrade because of that. She said she would have them deliver the washer & dryer on Tuesday anyway. Oh, REALLY? And where do you expect me to put that? It's a STACKABLE for a reason.
Anyway, I told her to do her best, we'd be in touch tomorrow and then I was going out shopping somewhere else if she couldn't deliver.
May the washer & dryer gods bless you with all the parts needed to set up and install your most needed appliances VERY soon. Until then, you can really dry for a quarter? Honest??? Unbelievable! - it was 50 cents the last time I had to hit the laundro...
well bree ...
i think what you really need is a break.
and you are not likely to get one right now.
(( hugs )).
seashanty said:
well bree ...
i think what you really need is a break.
and you are not likely to get one right now.
(( hugs ))
The 17th. I can hold out until then!
The gal from Lowes called this afternoon...the stacking kit for the washer/dryer isn't in stock. We just went thru this with the WASHER not being in stock and they gave us a free upgrade because of that. She said she would have them deliver the washer & dryer on Tuesday anyway. Oh, REALLY? And where do you expect me to put that? It's a STACKABLE for a reason.
Anyway, I told her to do her best, we'd be in touch tomorrow and then I was going out shopping somewhere else if she couldn't deliver.
May the washer & dryer gods bless you with all the parts needed to set up and install your most needed appliances VERY soon. Until then, you can really dry for a quarter? Honest??? Unbelievable! - it was 50 cents the last time I had to hit the laundro...
gillumhouse said:
May the washer & dryer gods bless you with all the parts needed to set up and install your most needed appliances VERY soon. Until then, you can really dry for a quarter? Honest??? Unbelievable! - it was 50 cents the last time I had to hit the laundro...
It took 3 quarters to dry 3 sets of sheets. Took 2 quarters to dry a mattress pad and set of sheets. Took 4 quarters to dry 3 blankets (I won't be using THAT dryer again...)

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