It's the little things...

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Well-known member
May 22, 2010
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...the little things are what drive me crazy.

Like when I get a text message that just says, "Can I check in early?"

Not can it check in at 1 pm or can I check in at noon. Just can I?

I'm tempted to just reply, "Yes."

But I know they would reply, "When?" and I still wouldn't know what time they are asking for.

If they'd give me a time up front, I could say yes or no or not until x:xx. But to just ask, can I check in early, guarantees at least 2 more messages have to pass back and forth to get them an answer!
Always their terms of whenever. Just wanting to get you to blink first to see how much they can get away with. It most likely will not matter because they will not arrive before 8 PM anyway. The early requests are usually the late arrivals.
I’d probably give then a time. You’re room is not ready but it will be ready after 2 pm. But yes, annoying.
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I always make it seem as though I’m doing them a favor ‘ I’ll start cleaning that room first so it should be ready by x pm so you’re able to check in earlier - would that be ok?’
It seems to work but honestly, I’d prefer a normal check in time
At least they asked in advance. Don't you love when they just show up to check in at 11am as the previous guest in their room is leaving?! :mad:
If you said "yes," they'd just show up early without responding to let you know a time.
I may be too easy, as long as their room is ready for them, I don't really care if they come early, gets that job of checking in out of the way. Mostly I ask for an estimated arrival time (range), outside of that time range they may be waiting on me if I have errands to run.
At least they asked in advance. Don't you love when they just show up to check in at 11am as the previous guest in their room is leaving?! :mad:
Unannounced early arrivals, those are my favorite - not! I really have to hold my tongue. I have had many, many conversations with early arrivals who obviously just don't get how this works. Current guests have until 11 to check out and then we have 4 hours to clean 15 rooms. Sure you can check in at 10:30 unannounced and give me your long story about your plans and why you are early because I really need to know that right this minute! :oops:
When we receive a request for early check in, We remind them check in is 3 - 8pm via e-mail and to Please call the morning of reservation after 10am to request early check in and we will accommodate as best we can.
This puts the responsibility on them, and gives us another heads up - sometimes an early request doesn't show up until hours after there requested time...
I may be too easy, as long as their room is ready for them, I don't really care if they come early, gets that job of checking in out of the way. Mostly I ask for an estimated arrival time (range), outside of that time range they may be waiting on me if I have errands to run.
AGREED. People love this and it's something they really appreciate. I don't think you're being too easy...good for business. We do it, too.
I do not usually allow early check-in because it is not fair to the larger B & Bs, Well SHE let us check in early at no charge - but she only has 3 rooms. not 6 or 10. Besides, I usually have a meeting or something happening and do not want the interruption of having to be ready early. Late? I am here anyway so that I do not care about.
The early requests are usually the late arrivals.
Had one contact me at 9:30 this morning, asking about a room for tonight. Said they would take it if they could get in by 10 a.m., as if they could get in that early anywhere else.

The room was ready so I said sure, it's ready now. As expected, they arrived at 3 p.m.!
Had one contact me at 9:30 this morning, asking about a room for tonight. Said they would take it if they could get in by 10 a.m., as if they could get in that early anywhere else.

The room was ready so I said sure, it's ready now. As expected, they arrived at 3 p.m.!
Followup: Housekeeper reported this afternoon that the following items are now missing from the room:
  • Hand mirror
  • Metal container for jet tub "bath oils"
  • Metal container for clothes washer detergent pods
  • Spiral bound "Welcome" book describing how to work heat and air, TVs, restaurants, etc.
  • Spiral bound "History of the Building" booklet.
I've emailed her asking if she wants me to add those items to her charge card bill. I'm ready to do battle! I should have know that I should reject someone who asks for 10 a.m. arrival or they won't book!
Followup: Housekeeper reported this afternoon that the following items are now missing from the room:
  • Hand mirror
  • Metal container for jet tub "bath oils"
  • Metal container for clothes washer detergent pods
  • Spiral bound "Welcome" book describing how to work heat and air, TVs, restaurants, etc.
  • Spiral bound "History of the Building" booklet.
I've emailed her asking if she wants me to add those items to her charge card bill. I'm ready to do battle! I should have know that I should reject someone who asks for 10 a.m. arrival or they won't book!
Charge for the effort of replacement too.
…all this after offering an early check-in. No good deed goes unpunished…
Charge for the effort of replacement too.
I did, but we've got to be careful on this stuff. Charge a punishing rate, like you might want to, and you'll spur them to protest with the CC company, possibly including some made-up stuff about having a horrible stay or something. Then you might lose the whole reservation payment.

I keep damages charges low enough to cover things while not making it worth their effort to file for a charge back.
I did, but we've got to be careful on this stuff. Charge a punishing rate, like you might want to, and you'll spur them to protest with the CC company, possibly including some made-up stuff about having a horrible stay or something. Then you might lose the whole reservation payment.

I keep damages charges low enough to cover things while not making it worth their effort to file for a charge back.
Agree, especially about handling damage charges. Stealing? Well...LOL. Frustrating even more.