i have been eating gluten free lately since my sister was here. experimenting with the products she left behind ... blanched almond flour seems to work nicely in what i've tried it in so far. and i am a classic baker ... old fashioned recipes with basic ingredients. but it's been so hot i haven't baked much. and we had to freeze most of the flour so it will keep. the being used flour is in a mason jar. the problem is that this flour is expensive.
i already use stevia and honey myself ($$) and i don't buy bacon with nitrites but finding it without added sugar is hard. today i had turkey bacon and it's just not bacon. i asked at the meat department / butcher of three different stores, and they don't offer their own bacon. humph.
for the honeymoon guest, i might offer a gluten free muffin or something from a place that specializes in making them, unless you have the ingredients to make a batch and freeze. otherwise i'd just stay away from the bread for her. she should be happy with eggs and fruit.
my sister brings her 'special food' with her ...
isn't there someone whose wife does special baking? i have to look back in the posts..
seashanty said:
i have been eating gluten free lately since my sister was here. experimenting with the products she left behind ... blanched almond flour seems to work nicely in what i've tried it in so far. and i am a classic baker ... old fashioned recipes with basic ingredients. but it's been so hot i haven't baked much. and we had to freeze most of the flour so it will keep. the being used flour is in a mason jar. the problem is that this flour is expensive.
I've found that almond flour is very not diet-friendly. VERY heavy in the fat/calorie department. I made a nice mix of brown rice flour, tapioca flour, and potato flour that I can use in just about anything.
I know JB here has said that if someone has an allergy to just cut it out of the diet- and to some extent that is possible.
But it's easier for ME to just bake the stuff with my GF flour mix and call it good. And it is good. I didn't want to have to make two different pans of mac and cheese for dinner. Or two types of tacos. Or two types of pancakes. We have all adopted to the GF flour for our daughter's sake and it's helped her to not feel isolated and it's helped us to be compassionate and a 'team' about it

Penelope said:
seashanty said:
i have been eating gluten free lately since my sister was here. experimenting with the products she left behind ... blanched almond flour seems to work nicely in what i've tried it in so far. and i am a classic baker ... old fashioned recipes with basic ingredients. but it's been so hot i haven't baked much. and we had to freeze most of the flour so it will keep. the being used flour is in a mason jar. the problem is that this flour is expensive.
I've found that almond flour is very not diet-friendly. VERY heavy in the fat/calorie department. I made a nice mix of brown rice flour, tapioca flour, and potato flour that I can use in just about anything.
I know JB here has said that if someone has an allergy to just cut it out of the diet- and to some extent that is possible.
But it's easier for ME to just bake the stuff with my GF flour mix and call it good. And it is good. I didn't want to have to make two different pans of mac and cheese for dinner. Or two types of tacos. Or two types of pancakes. We have all adopted to the GF flour for our daughter's sake and it's helped her to not feel isolated and it's helped us to be compassionate and a 'team' about it
I realize eating in a family is different, I meant those who go out to eat, just don't eat that item. Or staying at a B&B. I went through a similar diet years ago and every sauce, every dish had it in there, and I couldn't eat anything it seemed, except whole foods.
On the other hand, I am not a big casserole person, I have said it 1000 times when you make a casserole it is supposed to cost less and in the end costs more with all the variety of ingredients. I am also not a big sauce person, so the less ingredients the better. Give me a steak, salad and veg or baked potato and I am happy as a clam.
