Kid gloves comin' off.
If you operate breakfast like a restaurant
seat the people. Put a sign there that says "Please wait to be seated."
People are sheep, they gravitate here and there for no apparent reason, or simple reasons like mine:
- not wanting to face a wall (me).
- wanting more space at the table to read or open a paper (me).
- wanting to look out (me).
- wanting to watch the interaction in the kitchen (me).
- not wanting to have my back to the door (me).
- not wanting to be near the door (me)
- not wanting to be near the kitchen (me)
These are simple reasons
I would choose where I choose to sit, everyone has their own. You say at check in
come here for breakfast betwn 8 and 9 or whatever, I am here. Feed me.
Tell them where to sit. Or don't and let them sit where they want to sit. Seat the dang people..