Hi, thank you for the interest! I know that google tranlator is no good from english to dutch or going to dutch, I tried it. I did a rough translation of the most important parts, Sorry, I should have taken the dutch text from the main page. I will correct and do more over the next weeks.... time (sigh). Actually, my next big project on the website is the german version, since I am 5 miles away of the german border that is a more important market for us. I will get help of an hungarian born dutch friend that went to a german gymnasium, others offered help as well.
For the Arkansawyer
Toen de nonnen 40 jaar geleden deze Oldambster boerderij tot hun vakantieverblijf verbouwden wisten ze het niet. Hermeandering van Ruiten Aa, plan Ellersinghuizer veld, EHS Westerwolde waren woorden van de toekomst.
When the nuns 40 years ago converted this "oldambster" farmhouse to a holiday retreat they had no idea, Words like "Hermeandering van Ruiten Aa, plan Ellersinghuizer veld, EHS Westerwolde" did not exist yet.
For the Arkansawyer
Toen de nonnen 40 jaar geleden deze Oldambster boerderij tot hun vakantieverblijf verbouwden wisten ze het niet. Hermeandering van Ruiten Aa, plan Ellersinghuizer veld, EHS Westerwolde waren woorden van de toekomst.
When the nuns 40 years ago converted this "oldambster" farmhouse to a holiday retreat they had no idea, Words like "Hermeandering van Ruiten Aa, plan Ellersinghuizer veld, EHS Westerwolde" did not exist yet.