Aussie Innkeeper
Well-known member
ooh! How about the 'UN-TUCKERS' - you know, the ones who pull the flat sheet and blanket out from under the mattress at the bottom of the bed?
That is me. Tucked in causes pressure (and pain) on the bad foot of Himself. After over 40 years, I also cannot take the pressure of tightly tucked in sheets. Sorry, but will happen.ooh! How about the 'UN-TUCKERS' - you know, the ones who pull the flat sheet and blanket out from under the mattress at the bottom of the bed?.
My first post on here, I think...after my first month as an innkeeper, basically running this place by myself without any RECENT experience in hospitality, NO experience in online! That has changed things!!! ..and hiring someone for the first time ever...and learning that all these people who talked about how good help is hard to find...that they weren't kidding! hehe Nor were they wrong, in the least.I have a new acronym for the Glossary:
DIRTBAG - Definately Isn't Returning To Be A Guest
This is courtesy of a dear friend and fellow innkeepr in NC. Today, I really needed this and couldn't, for the life of me, remember what the acronym stood for..
Heidi, welcome!!!!My first post on here, I think...after my first month as an innkeeper, basically running this place by myself without any RECENT experience in hospitality, NO experience in online! That has changed things!!! ..and hiring someone for the first time ever...and learning that all these people who talked about how good help is hard to find...that they weren't kidding! hehe Nor were they wrong, in the least.I have a new acronym for the Glossary:
DIRTBAG - Definately Isn't Returning To Be A Guest
This is courtesy of a dear friend and fellow innkeepr in NC. Today, I really needed this and couldn't, for the life of me, remember what the acronym stood for..
Now, I'm experienced in hospitality and specifically bed & Breakfast types...I've worked in Inns and B&Bs across the country, starting on Martha's Vineyard, to Boston, to Sacramento and to New Orleans. I love it! I love the guests, I love cooking breakfast! Today was the first less-than-happy guests I have had eat my breakfast. IN a month? Not bad, right??
So...turns out this place is more of a weddings & parties venue than a B&B and I am definitely NOT a party planner. But, as it turns out, this is the LARGEST and most....mmmm onerous? part of the job.
Anyone have any tips about managing to feed 10 to 15 people breakfast while prepping for a 100 or 200 people wedding party arrival in a couple hours? Now, mind you, THANK GOODNESS, we have a caterer who actually PREPARES the food!!...but there's still the chairs and the food tables and presentation, the tent setup, the flowers, the florists, the bakers, the bride's parents, the maid of honor, the pre-bridal photography, the Dress the Bride/Maids ...lordy!! and in the middle of it all, the BRIDE. The last of which was a DREAM! NOT the least bit BrideZilla!
I'm ready willing and able to trade this for a quiet spot in Ireland, Italy or France or Scotland tending to a houseful of 2x2 Noah's Guests![]()