WelcomeGlad you found the info helpful. I am impressed with this website. Came across it by accident using Google Alerts. I find the information right on. It goes right along with the experiences we had when we owned our own inn for 10 years. Of course as Interim Innkeepers, we still experience many of the same problems in dealing with issues and guests. Once and innkeeper, always an innkeeper even if on a temporary assignment basis..
Thanks for the bravenet website - I will look into it for sure!I think if you are a member of the Interim Innkeepers they have a on line availability calendar their members use. My friends inn sit and they did their own site here. She said it was easy to do. I had to give her a bit of advice, but she basically did it on her own. You could easily use one of the free on line calendars ie: Bravenet. ANother friend uses this for hers.Thanks! I will look into that link! Everyone is telling me we need our pictures on and I'd really love to have a real availability calendar that I can easily update. I didn't have our pics on my brochure mainly because 75% of the time I was meeting people face to face if they were really interested in hiring me. It has been fun building my business and this was just the next step.Hi Sue,Swirt,Hmmm...bonded for the value of an inn...something seems odd about that. If you are an innsitter and are bonded for 1million does that mean you couldn't sit for an inn that was worth 3 million?
Just thinking aloud. What could they do that wouldn't be covered by your own insurance?
This is an interesting topic ... I'd like to know more about..
- Start a grease fire? I don't think there is anything in any policy that says you are only covered for fire if you (as the owner) start the fire. ... it would apply to guests just as easily.
- Flood the bathroom? Water damage liability on your home insurance may be worded as to the cause (plumbing vs mother nature) but probably not to the person by name (guest / owner / sitter)
- Lost three reservations due to innsitters bad phone manners? How would you prove that to an insurance company? That would be a loss no matter what the insurance was.
I just got a website up and running and I notice that you are an "Inngenious B&B website design advice" person. Please check mine out and let me know if you could help me in anyway. I am not looking to spend a lot of $$ - this was just a replacement for me printing my own brochures and having to send them out via snail mail. www.twoheartsinnsitting.vpweb.com Thanks! Sue
Many of the suggestions I would make are probably out of your control because you are using a vistaprint website. The things that make it easy and cheap are also the ties that bind.
For $1 cheaper per month you could get a starter plan from 1and1 and have a lot more features and options. Including your own domain name and full email capability with that domain.
Glad you found the info helpful. I am impressed with this website. Came across it by accident using Google Alerts. I find the information right on. It goes right along with the experiences we had when we owned our own inn for 10 years. Of course as Interim Innkeepers, we still experience many of the same problems in dealing with issues and guests. Once and innkeeper, always an innkeeper even if on a temporary assignment basis..