They launched the first
one here.
Difficult to read with colorscheme and kind of clunky design (template with odd photos).
Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, have a look and see if there is anything you can use. If not, then not..
Agree. Turned me off when I opened it up. Will look around to see what they offer. Don't like the RED font color on black background. very hard to read titles.
I have been testing the waters on learning how to produce a responsive website and I just read, and then did some follow up on, the use of RED on websites. Like you, I found it very hard to read and the red comes across as harsh somehow.
Regarding content, I will have to take a closer look. It's an interesting idea, but I am not going to be all excited to read a bunch of articles that funnel me into spending money with industry experts.
BUT REALLY- I won't know what they have on there until they put some font on there I can read!
You definitively want to go responsive for your website. No need for a separate mobile site. For the life of me I don't know why anyone pays anyone for a mobile site these days when a responsive WP theme will do it all for you. I will highly recommend
this one because it will do so much and the support is beyond TERRIFIC!!!
Oh boy- have I made a mess of things when comes to getting our new website, but I am wanting to stick to my guns and get what we need, which is what I want, at a price that we can afford. That has been just a little painful, I admit.
That has meant doing it myself in the past and turning away the WP concept recently- to develop a singular web site that is fully customizable that I can work on myself.
So, I already know you are recommending WP, and there seems to be a push from other forces that I am finding harder to resist to just do that, but I have found some very interesting stuff out there that tells me that WP may not be what I want. This is partly because I want to learn more coding (yikes) and because I want full flexibility.
Have you heard of ? It appears it may be possible to hire a designer/developer who can also tutor me. I did the trial and have a free site still, but I haven't had a chance to make a decision about it.
I am going to take a closer look at your recommendation.
I have thought about a temporary solution but I think just sticking with what we have, which has worked but is so old I can hear it creaking, is best for now.