I'm wondering if...

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We lower the rates simply because it is off season and rooms are not in such high demand. But I find service in the winter MORE stressful since there are few restaurants and things to do that are even open in the area. Plus we worry about heat and rattling windows and shoveling snow.
hmmmmm. Maybe we should raise our rates in the winter for the additional service we provide. THAT would give us days off. ;)
I agree with most that if you generally have low numbers during the week, simply close. Take your days off and manage your family. And give your mothers each a big kiss..
Yup, that's what we have historically done...and it worked! But last winter just about did us in with the snow and storms every week. So this year we are just plain closing until April. And what a relief!
We rarely had guests in the slow season, maybe 6 room-nights a month, but those that we did have tied us down and added substantially to the amount of work we had to do to stay prepared. Of course when we were building the business we were thrilled with anything that came our way. But really, do the math and you may find that your heating/ plowing costs barely off set your lower rates. You end up supporting the house but you are working for free.
I am very sorry about your moms
When you say people expect lower rates in winter have you historically lowered them or given discounts? What do area places do? I had to keep pace with my competition in our slow season or they'd be full and I'd be practically empty ... Heating bills alone that still had to be paid dictated some of my choices.
I'd probably close out the rooms on my quietest nights. For me that was Tuesday thru Thursday giving me down time I could plan on.
Are your breakfasts what you are known for? You can serve a great breakfast without exhausting yourself ... But if what you prepare tires you out you need to examine what you serve and scale back ...
Best wishes for you in this difficult time