If you could start all over again

Bed & Breakfast / Short Term Rental Host Forum

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Everything you need to know is probably already on this site in one of the threads. Take some time and read. Then if you still have questions, feel free to ask.
Did you take an aspiring innkeeper workshop? If not, that is the first thing you should have done. Take one NOW!.
True, both. Note that there are almost 0.2 million threads on this forum. Searching helps, but there are some real gems of wisdom buried in irrelevant topics. Spend time wandering.
Workshop! definitely. Get to know a few local B&B operators, most will treat you as a collaborator rather than a competitor.
What aspects are less than "great" ... money, guest behavior, overwork, ... ?
Life is a learning experience, having jumped into our business without experience we've learned as time passed by and changed as we learned. Over 20 plus years we and what we desire has changed as well, not as simple as saying I'd go back and change something as my own thoughts have changed with time.