If you could start all over again

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Mar 24, 2016
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My sister and I recently started a B&B business and was wondering if we could find some tips here. Things are going ok but not great. So what I want to ask you is: if you would start all over again what would you do different given the knowledge and wisdom you now possess?
I would have done better research on where to buy my business.
We've answered pretty much every question over the past 6 or 7 years. If there's something specific that's bothering you about how your business is progressing you can use the search box at the top right to plug in some key words.
Would you like to share your B&B and allow us to follow you on Facebook? We can then try to share it and help out.
We often do that here, then you can remove the link after. Post it in your original post.
Everything you need to know is probably already on this site in one of the threads. Take some time and read. Then if you still have questions, feel free to ask.
Did you take an aspiring innkeeper workshop? If not, that is the first thing you should have done. Take one NOW!
not listened to anything the PO's said and thought more about where I was spending my marketing money carefully as we did scatter gun and throw money at things to start with.
Our mailing list, facebook and blogging bring us the most traffic and they are free
Welcome You will find this to be a great place to get REAL advice! I agree, look around and you might find the answer your looking for. But it never hurts to ask because someone else might have the same questions.
BTW, you say you started a 'B&B business'. Does this mean you didn't actually open a B&B but are, in reality, running an adjunct business that a B&B owner might use?
Most people say they opened a B&B not a B&B business.
Obviously, our answers will be different.
Don't get me started.

But really, take a look around! Read the advice from other threads. Do a search for key things that are not going so well. You will most likely find what works and what doesn't.
And always remember, Rome was not built in a day.
List your "not going well" topics then do a search here for each.
Our guests see us as accommodations providers. They want free parking, free wifi, pretty grounds, impeccably clean reception areas and rooms, delicious food and not too many rules, plus innkeepers who are welcoming, listen more than they talk and still get everything done on time with a smile and a thank you.
We do it all from their point of view. Sometimes we vent here later.
PLus it would help us if you were more specific where you are having problems ie marketing, occupancy, staff, guest relations, day to day running, managing bookings and so on
A quick google search for "Riversound B&B" turns up this .....
OnTheShore said:
A quick google search for "Riversound B&B" turns up this ....
No, don't google and share, that is outing someone. Even if I think you are in the wrong country.

Well now you've done it, cause I can't edit or delete the post. But is it outing if they used their business name as their handle?
A quick google search for "Riversound B&B" turns up this .....
OnTheShore said:
A quick google search for "Riversound B&B" turns up this ....
No, don't google and share, that is outing someone. Even if I think you are in the wrong country.

Well now you've done it, cause I can't edit or delete the post. But is it outing if they used their business name as their handle?
They would have checked back in if indeed this was a valid posting. Don't worry about it.
To the original question, we took over the management and operation of our business -- an ongoing business with a long history -- about four years ago, and are now just about to enter our fifth season. I am not sure we have enough perspective yet to consider what we might have done differently if starting over again.
We got into this without really having a clear plan or goals for the business, other than simply trying to sustain the legacy and keep the place viable. Of course it is hard to plan or set goals when you don't really know what exactly you are getting into, and when there are other contingencies in your own life to complicate things.
The suggestions about training and education, taking an "aspiring" workshop (we didn't do that), and perusing the forums (definitely did do that), are great, but there is nothing like just doing it -- you will still be facing the unexpected regardless of how much prior preparation you undertake.
Reflecting further, I am a bit wary of the concept of "starting all over again." One can't really turn the clock back, do a reset, and "start over." You can only move forward from where you are now. Certainly, you can reflect on the sequence of decisions made and actions taken that have landed you where you are now, and hopefully learn from that to make adjustments and changes in course (if warranted!) as you move forward. But it does help to have a vision of where it is that you want to go, in order to plot a course as to how you might get there from where you are now.
So circling back around, I guess I would say, Think Big! Details are important, and you do have to pay attention to them, but it is also important to have a Grand Vision of what you are trying to accomplish, to set goals and objectives that will get you there, to establish mileposts you can use to measure your progress, and to periodically reflect on that progress and assess whether or not where you are headed is really where you want to go.
A quick google search for "Riversound B&B" turns up this .....
OnTheShore said:
A quick google search for "Riversound B&B" turns up this ....
No, don't google and share, that is outing someone. Even if I think you are in the wrong country.

Well now you've done it, cause I can't edit or delete the post. But is it outing if they used their business name as their handle?
OnTheShore said:
Well now you've done it, cause I can't edit or delete the post. But is it outing if they used their business name as their handle?
A quick google search for "Riversound B&B" turns up this .....
OnTheShore said:
A quick google search for "Riversound B&B" turns up this ....
No, don't google and share, that is outing someone. Even if I think you are in the wrong country.

Well now you've done it, cause I can't edit or delete the post. But is it outing if they used their business name as their handle?
OnTheShore said:
Well now you've done it, cause I can't edit or delete the post. But is it outing if they used their business name as their handle?
You did it to me, too, if you reply to a specific post. But no worries I firmly believe that is not the same person, so it doesn't matter.