Ding-dong! Do you have an ironing board and iron? Yes, it’s in your closet.
Ding-dong! Do you have a sewing kit? Bobby pins? Some club soda? Aspirin? Safety pins? Water? Champagne glasses?
No champagne glasses? Ok, we’ll just use the juice glasses so you have to wash them again. Oh! Look! An extra bathroom in a room we didn’t pay for! How handy! We just need to move this furniture a little for pictures. I knew you wouldn’t mind. We’re having lunch catered so we don’t have to go out. You can clean that up after we leave.
Oh, the limo is blocking the driveway and you have other guests? Can’t help you, we’re busy taking pictures/doing makeup/managing dresses.... it’s 11:00 PM and you want us to be quiet and explain who all these people are in your living room? But it’s my weddinggggggg!
Wait. What? I'm sorry, they move your furniture? *blink* Really? (never mind, I'm making notes...)