Yikers!! What's the update??.
Oh, sorry. Forgot to get back to this. My local plumber was in Cincinatti, I saw one of his trucks at the Fire Dept and got him over here only to discover he himself was NOT a plumber, that is how I found out the owner was out of town and bit of the other guys that worked for him were also. I found out he last the name of a man who used to work there - I could only remember his first name - and he ALSO was voice mail. (Edited to add that my local guy called me in the afternoon when he got home to see what the problem was - I had left a message at his house - and he was concerned that his emergency system did not call him when I accessed the emergency line and left 2 separate messages. He was thanking me for alerting him to a problem on his end.)
I got out the phone book and started making calls. As I was working my way down the list the best of them called back. Two guys arrived at 11.
One of them told DH the drain had been attached with a "friction" method and had a gasket that was supposed to help maintain the hold. It apparently was mangled (thank you high-priced deconstructors - more evidence of shoddy work at a platinum price) and let loose. It is now GLUED and should not come loose again. They were done & gone by Noon. I shudder to think what that bill is going to be.
I found one of the old ceiling tiles in the Fibber MaGee Room upstairs - in rearranging the crap in it to get to the tile I got to a cabinet DH built and checked to see what I had stashed in it. WOW, found some slothes I had taken from the closet because they did not fit. Am wearing one pair of slacks now - need to try on the others so some good may have come of it all after all! So in the next few weeks, I need to go get 3 more ceiling tile to replace the damaged ones and put the old spare back for next time.
All my guests were bricks about the whole thing. The stayovers got a story to tell everyone. 2 of them had stayed at other B & Bs and told me this one was great - even with the gushing shower.