Hurricane Hanna

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Hmmm that is unusual? It looks like Hanna is about past us now. The sky is brightening and we can see some sun. Only got 1.5 in. of rain. Very gentle and no wind. Maybe the tree actually was diseased and rotting and it just needed a little something to take off that limb.
To add photos: GO to your account, click on the file browser tab..I think that is what it is called. Click on the upload tab, browse to your computer to select an image and the upload it. Then to put it in your message you click on the little icon that looks like sun over the mt. and choose the BROWSE SERVER button...then choose the photo you uploaded.
It takes a few steps but once you get it works ok..
Yeah, I did do that. It said it uploaded the pic but then I couldn't find it in the directory, even after refreshing. I gave up after three tries.
Hmmm I just looked to see if by chance it uploaded it someplace that it wouldn't allow you to access, but there is no sign of that photo anyplace else. It said the upload was complete? Hmmm if you have a chance can you give it one more try...I'd like to figure out what's going on.
I got it to upload - the file was bigger than the allowed pixel dimension. Just as a note, though - I test uploaded another file that was also bigger and it resized it automatically. This one would never upload at the bigger size. I guess I'm not sure which way it's supposed to work but it doesn't seem consistent, and there was no error message about pixel size. It just stopped uploading. It never said the file completed the upload, though - I saw that message with the other test files I did. I used the file browser first, then the picture icon in the post.
Hmmmm I wonder if you upload a file that is MUCH bigger than the dimension if it craps out while trying to resize it (limited server resources or something like that). I'll grab the large version from your site and see if it will let me upload it.

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