There have been lots of discussion on this topic both here and on the FB forum.
Many have stated that B&B's with 5 or less rooms that are owner occupied are not subject to the ADA regs. regarding service animals.
Since that would apply to me, I have attempted to call them to verify this. Each time I was on hold for over 45 minutes before hanging up. During the hold period the recording kept stating that the information shared is just that - it is not legal advice..
Didn't ADA go into effect in the early 90's? I was thinking it was not long after we arrived at the motel and from memory some rules didn't seem to apply to properties with 5 rooms or less, but again from memory thinking that these referenced required physical changes to the property. Since accepting a service animal does not require physical changes I would question it being excluded even on a smaller property.
Laws regarding service animals at least seeing eye dogs were in effect much earlier. One of our managers at a theatre where I worked refused a person with a dog back in the 70's, they were gracious about our error, maybe times were simpler, but did follow up by providing information on the law and our error educating us for the future.