The last week or so, I have a skunk (or skunks) tearing up my whole yard. I'd have D. shoot it, but am afraid it would stink the place up badly. Thank god he's only been rooting around in the back so far, I guess I'll have to go next door and borrow the trap from our neighboor, who did a great job getting rid of them for the last few years..
And..what will you do with it when and if you do trap one???? We had one accidently get into our groundhog trap. Friends were taking care of the place for imagine when they found the skunk. Very carefully had to use a real long piece of wood to open the door to let it out. Thankfully it didn't spray them.

catlady said:
And..what will you do with it when and if you do trap one???? We had one accidently get into our groundhog trap. Friends were taking care of the place for imagine when they found the skunk. Very carefully had to use a real long piece of wood to open the door to let it out. Thankfully it didn't spray them.
I have heard that you cover the trap with a blanket with the skunk in the trap, if they can't see you they don't spray you. Alot of people will throw the whole trap, blanket, and skunk in water and drown the poor thing.
cherry64 said:
catlady said:
And..what will you do with it when and if you do trap one???? We had one accidently get into our groundhog trap. Friends were taking care of the place for imagine when they found the skunk. Very carefully had to use a real long piece of wood to open the door to let it out. Thankfully it didn't spray them.
I have heard that you cover the trap with a blanket with the skunk in the trap, if they can't see you they don't spray you. Alot of people will throw the whole trap, blanket, and skunk in water and drown the poor thing.
That works to shield you from an accidental spraying but the reality is that skunks are mostly nocturnal and have tiny, little, very sensitive eyes and will usually be asleep in the trap come daylight.
I didn't believe it until after trapping one that had gotten under our living quarters and wanting to release it miles from the house. It rode in the back of the truck without even blinking all the way to where I released it.
They may be one of the more offensive pests we get, but that kind of cruelty to any living creature is abhorent to me.
Unrelated but I see Michael Vick got a standing ovation in his return to the NFL last night. Now thats offensive!