How to add links to website

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New member
Mar 4, 2009
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How do you add links to your website without spending a lot of money?
How do you determine which directories are worth the money they are asking?
Thanks for any help.

I can't answer any of your questions, but wanted you to know you have a neat looking place out there!
I'll have the House Special with a Mimosa, please!
Hi Bernard,
That's a great question. The easy answer is to take advantage of free links when you can. Such as taking advantage of links from this site (see the FAQ's for details).
The more reasonable answer is that you have to do your homework. You have to put yourself in the mindset of someone searching for what you have to offer in your area. When you do those searches, you want to make sure you are listed as many of the places that come up as possible. Many sources of links will charge you for it (which can be worth it IF they are a good source of traffic).
A simple trick that sometimes pays off is to do a search for your area but add the term "add link" or "suggest link" or "join" to your search (use quotes for the phrase)
  • Mill creek CA "add link"
  • lake almanor "suggest link"
  • nothern california join
Avoid paying for any links that are not from an on topic or a related topic. Avoid link exchanges.
Create pages that people will want to link to. Example: If birding is popular in your area, make a page dedicated to birding with good information on it and then you have a page to suggest birding clubs or organizations link they are less likely to link to the homepage of a B&B.
Look for as many regional sites as you can find and do what it takes to be listed on them.
I have links on my site to local attractions and businesses that I use. The City, the CVB, the B & B Asoc., and things that are related to what I do - as in rails-to-trails and the WV Horse Council. If it does not relate to what I do or is not "local" I do not link.
NOt necessary to spend money at all. In fact if you are PAYING to add links to your website, sounds like you are being scammed or set up for a LINK FARM. Don't do it. I know of one innkeeper who paid a fellow $5k and it got him nothing. They talk a big show, but it is all that..just talk.
Paying for listings in reputable B & B directories is quite another thing and one that you should be doing. Sites such as, bbonline are the top sites out there for inns and they work for their clients. Some of the lesser known ones may not be useful to you if they are not marketing their directories.
Bernard said:
How do you add links to your website without spending a lot of money?
How do you determine which directories are worth the money they are asking?
To judge which directories may be worth the money do a Google search thinking like a guest would think. See what directories come up well for that search. Also, if you are in an area with a lot of competition, see what directories they are listed on. You can also look for directories exactly in your niche. If you cater to bicyclists, rock climbers, wine country tourists, etc, then look for directories that those guests would use.
Another option for the incoming links you want would be to find out what incoming links your competition has and try to get those same people to link to you. It could be a college or a winery or some other local 'place to go'. Most of those places will do that for free if they think you're a good fit.
Welcome Bernard.
It looks like you don't have many directories hitting your area when you search in google with those search terms. As they are more specific to CITY name versus location like Mt Lassen.
A few directories once you look around will have a state broken into regions.I see you in the Shasta region on You are already there and on the other directories I see. Have a look:
Don't pay for any links. But you need lots of links, link to everything and anything you think would be of interest for your guests - but make sure the pages open in a new window and do not replace YOUR website. You don't want to send them away from your website and defeat the whole purpose.
Re directories - you should be tracking incoming click thrus to YOUR website and quite frankly, unless they are outlandishly priced - directories are a cost of doing business, totally necessary. You cannot always tell where the guests found you as they may have seen you on two or more directories.

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