we have a 5 guestrooms. we are in an area of our state that is considered a "hotspot" so summers are quite busy. it's a very seasonal area so winters are not too busy. DH works an outside job from 11am - 8 pm 5 days per week. I pretty much run the inn myself with a little help from 2 summer cleaning girls. a couple hours per day about 4-5 days per week. that extra set of hands is nice but really when all is said & done, i still do much of the work myself. main reason being is because i am a control freak and it's not done right unless i do it. i always go behind the girls and double check that things are just so. i have had days though where i have had all 5 rooms coincidentally checking out on the same day and i am working by myself.
bless anyone who feels thay are able to run an inn twice the size of mine by themselves. i sure could not. 5 is perfect for me & even then i am exhausted at the end of the day. when DH & i purchased our inn 2 years ago i was 29 & he was 35. our past lives consisted of 2 jobs each with each of us putting in about 90 hours a week. no exaggeration, the most i worked in 1 week was 96 hours. my point is that even though we are younger, full of energy & familiar with long work weeks, it still does not compare to the inn.
our friends & family are pretty surprised, when they visit, just how much of our day i seaten up by the inn. and they only think it is like it tthat day they are there. well, it's everyday. i rise at 6 am and am in bed about 11:30 each night. just when you think you are finished there is always one more thing that you have to do.
ultimately, noone ever really realizes just how physically & mentally taxing running an inn is
Oh, and if i hear one more of my friends or family tell me that running an inn must be "so much fun" i seriously will poke them in the nose.
it looks like "fun" to them because they do not see me on the days when i am running around with a toilet brush, trying to answer the phone & doorbell at the same time, and the oven timer is going off because the brownies are done, and 3 check ins just arrived at the same time, (early of course!) and i have not had a chance to change my shirt that got something spilled on it, and i am on the verge of a mental meltdown.
then everyone gets checked in and i have told what restaurants to go to, and they are munching cookies or dipping stuff in fondue and telling me how great everything is and how they appreciate how much trouble i have gone to for them, i say (with my game face on
) "oh, don't be sillly, it's no trouble at all, really!"