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user 26

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
Reaction score
i went to help out someone today.
arrived early and the owner told me to get all the rooms ready for a full house rental - they'll be arriving about noon. it's not a b&b or inn, it's a privately owned summer place that is rented out by the owners by the week, half week, or weekend.
she had slept in one of the bedrooms last night, but told me 'you don't have to change the sheets because it was just me .... just make it up tight.' then she left.

of course, being me, as soon as she was out the door, i stripped the bed she slept in and put new sheets on that bed, and put the sheets she used in the wash with another set. she had even accidentally left a sock in the bed.
she came back while i was in mid clean and went upstairs to check my progress. interrupted me and told me 'we are obviously not on the same page about how to do things' and that she would let me finish out the day but after that i needn't bother coming back.
i stopped everything to make sure she was serious. it's because i stripped the bed she slept in. i told her i assumed she was kidding about not changing that bed. she wasn't kidding. i didn't really think she was kidding but i couldn't just remake that bed. she said, 'my place, my rules' ... i said, 'my standards, my way.'
i asked that she pay me cash for the time i spent there, right then and there ... which she did ... and i left. she can do the rest of the 'cleaning' on her own.
she couldn't believe i walked out and i still can't believe HER!

You absolutely did the right thing!
But wow...
And in a day or two, it's going to be really, really funny....
Good for you SS. Just knowing you from the forum, I would expect nothing less than complete integrity from you. The fact that she faulted you for that says alot about her.
What a B***CH!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD FOR YOU, that's gross that she would assume someone wants to sleep after her!
I can't believe that! WAY to go SS!!! Walk out and don't look back. It is people like that which give rentals the reputation they have:-(
NASTY!!! What in the world was she thinking???
Good for you SS, I would have expected nothing less. She should be so lucky to have you there running her ship. Good riddance to bad rubbish!
thank you all for your support. yes, i'm still obsessing (a bit) about this.
i need a job, so of course i am not happy (in more ways than one) .... i went to the website where the property is listed and found this quote:
Many vacation homes are used frequently by their owners and as such, they are not like the typical "sterile" environment found in hotels and other "vacation establishments".
No one gives a property more attention than its owner!

ironic, or what? of course i'm not condemning the whole vacation home rental biz, just this place.
~ seashanty (still steaming - and i don't mean clams!)
Good for you SS!
My first reaction was to cringe, so you really did the right thing right there!!
Some people just think differently! You did the right thing. It was a tough call. job/no job.
thank you all for your support. yes, i'm still obsessing (a bit) about this.
i need a job, so of course i am not happy (in more ways than one) .... i went to the website where the property is listed and found this quote:
Many vacation homes are used frequently by their owners and as such, they are not like the typical "sterile" environment found in hotels and other "vacation establishments".
No one gives a property more attention than its owner!

ironic, or what? of course i'm not condemning the whole vacation home rental biz, just this place.
~ seashanty (still steaming - and i don't mean clams!).
If I were to see this on a property I was thinking of renting I would second guess the rental.
You did the right thing and will be better off without that job..I am sure if you had 'been lucky enough' to continue on, you would have found many other questionable ways about this woman and her cleaning habits.
My question to her just before walking out the door would be "And I quess you sleep on the dirty sheets after someone stays?"
Nasty! - But I would not doubt that it happens more times than we think!
You go, girl! It's a shame that so many can't find someone to show up, and you are such a trooper and have to go through that. As if someone could not tell a bed's been slept in!
I have my fingers crossed you find something great!
I would have done the same thing you did. I can't understand that mindset. I'm sorry, that's just skeevy. The sad thing is she probably will find someone on the "same page" as she is. *shudder*
thank you all for your support. yes, i'm still obsessing (a bit) about this.
i need a job, so of course i am not happy (in more ways than one) .... i went to the website where the property is listed and found this quote:
Many vacation homes are used frequently by their owners and as such, they are not like the typical "sterile" environment found in hotels and other "vacation establishments".
No one gives a property more attention than its owner!

ironic, or what? of course i'm not condemning the whole vacation home rental biz, just this place.
~ seashanty (still steaming - and i don't mean clams!).
seashanty said:
Many vacation homes are used frequently by their owners and as such, they are not like the typical "sterile" environment found in hotels and other "vacation establishments".
No one gives a property more attention than its owner!
Sterile here doesn't refer to immaculate, it refers to impersonal. Hotels do not have a immaculate reputation...
Trust me some job that you really like will come alone. We are proud of you.
i have been thinking some more about these rental homes and cottages. they are all over the south shore of mass., cape cod and the islands. i rented one myself last september when there was a family wedding.
the agreement stated we could pay to have someone clean the place or we could save the fee and do it ourselves, leaving the place 'as we found it' for the next check-ins. this makes me wonder now ... really ... if i ever rent a place again, i'm going to launder and remake the bed before climbing in!

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