heat on and windows wide open

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Aug 21, 2008
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I am amazed (but why?) that guests have windows wide open for fresh air and heat on full blast because it's cooooold outside. ok, crack one window if you really want a little fresh air. But please don't have three windows each open a foot and then room thermostat up to 70.
I can't believe that folks act that way at home.
I really don't want to post yet another sign in the rooms saying 'Please help us conserve energy ... blahblahblah' but when I go in to flip a room and discover this, it really upsets me!
And it's only September!
We had the same problem this week... in reverse. Windows open and the AC is running. It's actually been pretty comfortable and I had been opening windows a lot lately, but this past week we had a h-u-m-i-d day or two... the AC doesn't so much cool us down as keep it nice. Sure enough... two rooms, windows wide open... can feel it in the hallway when I come up the steps. Argh!
Since it's pretty much been warm weather since we've been open & people are used to A/C when it's warm down here, we haven't had that problem. Although someone did manage to break the window weight cord on one of our sleeping porch windows about a month ago. My dh hasn't fixed it yet because it's been too hot for him to take the trim off & have the window up, etc. We just tell folks that it'sstill too hot to enjoy that upper pavilion right now & the windows are locked up.
The open window thing would torque me off in a major way considering the high cost of energy these days. It really cost us a lot to keep the A/C at guest comfort level in July!! Scary high electric bills.
Me thinks innkeeper drills are in order when guests check.... all hands on deck for mandatory safety drill to also include: keypad instruction, privacy zone compliance, voice modulation, good manners, ad naseum.....
Me thinks innkeeper drills are in order when guests check.... all hands on deck for mandatory safety drill to also include: keypad instruction, privacy zone compliance, voice modulation, good manners, ad naseum......
alias annie said:
Me thinks innkeeper drills are in order when guests check.... all hands on deck for mandatory safety drill to also include: keypad instruction, privacy zone compliance, voice modulation, good manners, ad naseum.....
Good luck getting them to listen. Maybe offering a $50 refund at check-out if they were perfect guests during their stay!

Sorry but if they are paying...they think they can do WHATEVER THEY WANT....NOT!!!!!
We have electric baseboard heaters in every upstairs room - including bathrooms (only heat source) so each room has a thermostat. I cannot tell you how many times I havegone into the pvt bathroom and found the thermostat turned on in the SUMMER when it was blazing hot! They must have thought it was A/C (why I do not know because the room has a window unit).
I love to go in to flip the rooms in the winter to find the thermostat cranked and the huge front window WIDE open!
When it was over 100 degrees in July this year, our OQ was boiling, one night in particular, we just could not get cool, had the air cranked and it was like 85-90 in our room, we roasted all night, miserable, figuring it must just be so hot outside that the ac can't keep up.
The next day dh goes down to the basement to get something, and it is hot down there, uh-oh! it's never hot down there, the boiler is going! Runs up to our bedroom and realizes the day before he had accidentally bumped the thermostat to 100 degrees when he was vacuuming! We were lots cooler that night!
When it was over 100 degrees in July this year, our OQ was boiling, one night in particular, we just could not get cool, had the air cranked and it was like 85-90 in our room, we roasted all night, miserable, figuring it must just be so hot outside that the ac can't keep up.
The next day dh goes down to the basement to get something, and it is hot down there, uh-oh! it's never hot down there, the boiler is going! Runs up to our bedroom and realizes the day before he had accidentally bumped the thermostat to 100 degrees when he was vacuuming! We were lots cooler that night!
inncogneeto said:
When it was over 100 degrees in July this year, our OQ was boiling, one night in particular, we just could not get cool, had the air cranked and it was like 85-90 in our room, we roasted all night, miserable, figuring it must just be so hot outside that the ac can't keep up.
The next day dh goes down to the basement to get something, and it is hot down there, uh-oh! it's never hot down there, the boiler is going! Runs up to our bedroom and realizes the day before he had accidentally bumped the thermostat to 100 degrees when he was vacuuming! We were lots cooler that night!
We often wonder if our guests do something similar in thinking that the thermostat in the room controls the A/C? Altho, if the room is getting hotter, why turn the dial UP? Had 2 girls here one weekend who had just finished a summer-long music camp. They had very valuable violins in the room and the heat up to 85. I'm wondering if it's for the violins or a mistake as they had SO much stuff on the floor they had to (and we had to) climb over it to get in the room. I bumped the thermostat going in and assumed they ahd done that going out but was afraid I'd 'kill' the violins if I touched the thermostat!
When it was over 100 degrees in July this year, our OQ was boiling, one night in particular, we just could not get cool, had the air cranked and it was like 85-90 in our room, we roasted all night, miserable, figuring it must just be so hot outside that the ac can't keep up.
The next day dh goes down to the basement to get something, and it is hot down there, uh-oh! it's never hot down there, the boiler is going! Runs up to our bedroom and realizes the day before he had accidentally bumped the thermostat to 100 degrees when he was vacuuming! We were lots cooler that night!
inncogneeto said:
When it was over 100 degrees in July this year, our OQ was boiling, one night in particular, we just could not get cool, had the air cranked and it was like 85-90 in our room, we roasted all night, miserable, figuring it must just be so hot outside that the ac can't keep up.
The next day dh goes down to the basement to get something, and it is hot down there, uh-oh! it's never hot down there, the boiler is going! Runs up to our bedroom and realizes the day before he had accidentally bumped the thermostat to 100 degrees when he was vacuuming! We were lots cooler that night!
We often wonder if our guests do something similar in thinking that the thermostat in the room controls the A/C? Altho, if the room is getting hotter, why turn the dial UP? Had 2 girls here one weekend who had just finished a summer-long music camp. They had very valuable violins in the room and the heat up to 85. I'm wondering if it's for the violins or a mistake as they had SO much stuff on the floor they had to (and we had to) climb over it to get in the room. I bumped the thermostat going in and assumed they ahd done that going out but was afraid I'd 'kill' the violins if I touched the thermostat!
Bree said:
inncogneeto said:
When it was over 100 degrees in July this year, our OQ was boiling, one night in particular, we just could not get cool, had the air cranked and it was like 85-90 in our room, we roasted all night, miserable, figuring it must just be so hot outside that the ac can't keep up.
The next day dh goes down to the basement to get something, and it is hot down there, uh-oh! it's never hot down there, the boiler is going! Runs up to our bedroom and realizes the day before he had accidentally bumped the thermostat to 100 degrees when he was vacuuming! We were lots cooler that night!
We often wonder if our guests do something similar in thinking that the thermostat in the room controls the A/C? Altho, if the room is getting hotter, why turn the dial UP? Had 2 girls here one weekend who had just finished a summer-long music camp. They had very valuable violins in the room and the heat up to 85. I'm wondering if it's for the violins or a mistake as they had SO much stuff on the floor they had to (and we had to) climb over it to get in the room. I bumped the thermostat going in and assumed they ahd done that going out but was afraid I'd 'kill' the violins if I touched the thermostat!
Coming from a household with just cheapo violins you don't want them in that heat at all. Nor extreme cold 70-75 degrees is it.
We had a guest who came with a gift certificate. Older, farm couple. It was too cold for her, so she "adjusted the air conditioning." As it was, it was actually our radiant heat. She also opened the windows. We didn't realize it about the heat until after we got back from vacation. We'd been paying for expensive radiant heated floors in April while we were gone for two weeks! Now we have the thermostats labeled, A/C and Heat.

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