SeeBen21, as of now, in the USA, people have control of both their healthcare (treatment - as in what doctor they want, what hospital, what treatment and if any) and health insurance - as in how much they are willing to pay and if they are willing to pay for it. Hospitals write off uncollectible bills every day - which is why many hospitals have closed, too many wanting FREE heathcare.
DH is now on Medicare (over 65) but I still pay almost $175 per month for his supplemental insurance and another almost $200 per month for his prescriptions. He plans to live forever. In the past, whenever he had a medical disaster (and he has had many), the problem was taken care of and whatever was not covered by insurance I got bills for. And I paid them.
I do not have insurance because I choose to not have it. For me it would be a waste of money. No what ifs, please. IF I get cancer I die. IF I break something, the hospital will set it and I will get a bill which I will pay - in payments. I am only hoping that I get to die with all my remaining marbles intact. Alzheimers is worse than death. I have no fear of losing my possessions to pay medical costs. I worked to pay my own way. No one owes me anything. If I cannot pay, I do not play.
I am going to die, the question is when and from what. It will not matter to me as I will be dead regardless.
In the USA currently, if your doctor says you need an MRT, you get it and it will not take 3 to 6 weeks either. Last time DH was in the hospital, the doctor came in on Sunday and said I am ordering a CAT scan. OK, we figured it being the weekend he would get it on Monday. Wrong! They took him down for the scan that day, on Sunday..