Battening down here as well. DH will dismantle the screen gazebo and secure all outdoor furniture. Time for me to rescue ferns and other hanging plants and bring them in. We badly need the rain but could do without the wind and coastal erosion.
Guests in the cottage until Tuesday so must prepare for possible loss of power/water. Sigh. Thinking of fellow inn mates along the coast..
Spoony, how'd it go?
Here on the North side of the city, almost nothing. Wind, high surf. We didn't even bring in our kayaks off the beach. Most people left their boats in. Even the chairs on the porch didn't do their nor'easter dance.
Almost nothing. Not even rain. We are having a misty drizzle right now. Barely enough to water the potted plants.
Thanks for asking Beachie!
We got a pretty good blow yesterday, starting around 2 pm. Took a walk to the top of the hill and nearly got blown over! But when we went to lunch in town it was just breezy so looks like our in-your-face coastal location on high ground caught the full brunt of the wind.
We had a dramatic pyrotechnic display from tree limbs hitting live wires with sparking cinders flying all around. I was afraid might ignite a fire since it has been so blasted dry here that the small amount of rain we got with the storm barely moistened the mulch. In any event, local police and power company jumped on the problem so we were only out of power for a couple of hours.
Fortunately, our guests were witness to the fiery display and decided to head out for dinner. They were only inconvenienced for about an hour when they returned in the dark. All in all, not too bad considering that we were out of power for a full week back in 1991 with hurricane Bob. A few clay pots overturned and a mess in the yard, but no damage. Whew!