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Friends of ours had a really old b&b where each room still had the original fireplace with mantle. All the chimneys were sealed off. None of the fireplaces had fire dogs. Every year someone would bring in branches and try to start a fire on the floor of the defunct fireplace. Nothing worked to stop it: not baskets of flowers, not fire screens, not painting the back wall of the fireplace, not even signs.

We had guests who tried to get the glass off the gas fireplace, too. Yours is the best one, tho — s’mores!
When the new roof was put on the house, I had the last of the chimneys taken down (turns out they would have soon fallen down anyway). Each of our rooms has a fireplace but I encased the asbestos in them and then with 2 of them, we put a board in the opening to seal them. The 3rd one has a beautiful metal front that I was not going to cover. I guess I get smarter guests - in almost 26 years, no one has messed with that fireplace (We would have heard it as it is above the studio and quite heavy.)
In the Inn, we have 3 nice glass front LPG fireplaces; no shenanigans except occasionally someone tries to dry their socks.
In the guest house we have a free-standing wood stove I used when we lived there. It works great, but there's a trick to it, so for guests, no. I put a nice wooden sign inside the glass front door saying ... "Please do not use woodstove". Underneath, out of sight unless you open stove and remove the "Please ..." sign, I have another sign, "$250 woodstove cleaning fee". I can tell that has been read a couple times, but so far, no fires.
We occasionally have guests who express their wish we had real wood fireplaces in the rooms instead of the sealed gas-log ones.
I had real wood stoves in two of my units. It was a huge mistake. I eventually replaced them with electric wood flame-look stoves, and the two $4000 stoves make very heavy paperweights.

I was constantly having to replenish wood, kindling, and lighters, ashes to clean out, along with extra dusting required when ashes get into the room. Glass doors constantly needed the black soot cleaned off them. Worst of all were the people who couldn't build a fire and ended up smoking up the place, setting off the fire alarms and summoning the fire department.

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