Go Inn Style - (Changed from Get Inn Listed) [moved from resources]

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Admin note to all: I realize this thread has gotten a bit away from the promotion of the site that Micah wanted it to be. At the same time I think there is a lot of value in this thread. I'm not a big fan of flat out removing the thread, but after this plays out a bit more (with other suggestions or whatever) I will move this from the resources into the forum and give Micah the chance to put a new entry for his new and improved directory into the resources section of this site..
That sounds like a great plan, I appreciate it.
Thanks again to everyone, and add your suggestions.
I want to thank everyone for your constructive shouting at me :) I weigh your opinions very highly.
I have been sitting here thinking as we write back and forth and would like to offer my first thoughts as to where and how I should adjust my services.
Pricing (have had a lot of comments on this):
  • Will convert to Advanced Listing and Basic listings
  • Basic Listing - $10/yr Forget it, I'll do this for free - give me some time to adjust my site. - Completed
  • Advanced Listing Price - to be determined
  • Does this seem more fair?
Features, features, features
  • Admin Panel - coming
  • Email on listing - coming (unless I hear complaints otherwise) - Completed
  • Room descriptions - coming with admin panel
  • Advanced Listing & Simple Listing - Features yet to be decided...
  • Send more in that you have
Made a few changes to the site, tweaked some of the layout, and changed to a domain name / name that is more fitting: http://www.goinnstyle.com
I will have the pricing adjustments up by tonight or tomorrow unless there are further requests. - Done
That is what I have so far, please offer your comments with suggestions if you have them.
Thank you.
LOL "Constructive shouting"... that's a good one..I like it.
I think you made a good choice on the domain name and name change. That gives the indication that you are more concerned about guests and less concerned about attracting innkeepers. Its a tough concept for many startups to get ahold of..the idea of attracting the primary audience (innkeepers) by appealing to the secondary audience (guests).
Yeah I think it was a good move as well to change the name, "Little Blue" recommended the idea and even recommended the domain I chose, so hats off to Little Blue
I think I was caught up in being attractive to Inns and not the ultimate target (guests) as you said, the site will continue to move in that direction.
I want to thank everyone for your constructive shouting at me :) I weigh your opinions very highly.
I have been sitting here thinking as we write back and forth and would like to offer my first thoughts as to where and how I should adjust my services.
Pricing (have had a lot of comments on this):
  • Will convert to Advanced Listing and Basic listings
  • Basic Listing - $10/yr Forget it, I'll do this for free - give me some time to adjust my site. - Completed
  • Advanced Listing Price - to be determined
  • Does this seem more fair?
Features, features, features
  • Admin Panel - coming
  • Email on listing - coming (unless I hear complaints otherwise) - Completed
  • Room descriptions - coming with admin panel
  • Advanced Listing & Simple Listing - Features yet to be decided...
  • Send more in that you have
Made a few changes to the site, tweaked some of the layout, and changed to a domain name / name that is more fitting: http://www.goinnstyle.com
I will have the pricing adjustments up by tonight or tomorrow unless there are further requests. - Done
That is what I have so far, please offer your comments with suggestions if you have them.
Thank you.
Ok Folks, by popular demand,
The Free basic listing is up and alive, http://www.getinnlisted.com/AddListing.aspx
The map will be off when you first list, but don't worry it will get adjusted accordingly, asap. - Fixed
An "Advanced" listing will be available in the near future after I determine what exactly it should have.
Thanks again for all your comments and hope you guys find this to be a great new resource for you.
Just wanted to let you all know that we have added in the ability for you to add a Twitter profile when you add a new listing, now people will be able to easily find you on twitter through our site.
I'm still working on an "Admin Panel" so you can maintain your own listing profile, it's coming soon.
Just wanted to let you all know that we have added in the ability for you to add a Twitter profile when you add a new listing, now people will be able to easily find you on twitter through our site.
I'm still working on an "Admin Panel" so you can maintain your own listing profile, it's coming soon.
GetInnStyle said:
Just wanted to let you all know that we have added in the ability for you to add a Twitter profile when you add a new listing, now people will be able to easily find you on twitter through our site.
I'm still working on an "Admin Panel" so you can maintain your own listing profile, it's coming soon.
Thanks Micah. Looks like good progress. I like the new URL and in fact it has two ways to read it that both work -
Go Innstyle and
Goin n Style
(maybe a third I missed?)
Just wanted to let you all know that we have added in the ability for you to add a Twitter profile when you add a new listing, now people will be able to easily find you on twitter through our site.
I'm still working on an "Admin Panel" so you can maintain your own listing profile, it's coming soon.
GetInnStyle said:
Just wanted to let you all know that we have added in the ability for you to add a Twitter profile when you add a new listing, now people will be able to easily find you on twitter through our site.
I'm still working on an "Admin Panel" so you can maintain your own listing profile, it's coming soon.
Thanks Micah. Looks like good progress. I like the new URL and in fact it has two ways to read it that both work -
Go Innstyle and
Goin n Style
(maybe a third I missed?)
Yeah, the site is starting to get more flushed out which is good for everyone, I really like the new name too, I'm glad it was recommened that I change it.
The way I look at the Url is Go Inn Style, like "Go Cajun Style For Supper" :)
Thanks for the feedback
Greetings everyone!
I am very excited to announce that we have finished the "Admin" panel which will now allow you to update/maintain your own listings through the site. This is a feature that was quite heavily expressed was needed so I have released the update today and is ready to use for those of you who decide to add a listing to the directory.
I'd also like to reiterate that the site is 100% free and is simply a new resource for you to take advantage of in hopes of bringing in a few new customers.
In addition to the site now free, I have added in most of the major requests you asked in regards to a "Basic Account". I hope you all feel it is in a position that you would feel comfortable listing your Inn and knowing your information is easily maintainable.
Without your listings the site will not survive and will not be a useful tool for people looking for places to stay, so please add your listing and help us grow, we would really appreciate it.
We have also added a "Resources" page and we have added a link back to the InnSpiring.com website, hopefully it will bring more people your way as well, along with a few other resources, this list will continue to grow.
Thank you again for all your comments and if this thread could be cleaned up now to remove the un-related and out of date information I would apprecaite that as well.
I'm moving this out of the resources and into the forum. GetInnStyle, you can go ahead and create a new resource listing for your directory.
I'm moving this out of the resources and into the forum. GetInnStyle, you can go ahead and create a new resource listing for your directory..
Swirt, didn't realize you had posted this comment, thanks for moving it to the forums, I'll go add the site again to the resources page.
Thanks again for all the help and thoughts.
Hi GetInnStyle and welcome to Innspiring.

You may want to get your form that asks for creditcard info onto a secure connection.
Penalties for such things have gone from huge, to HUGE..
As you can see it was brought to our attention there were issues with our secure form (at the time it was not secure apparently).
We had disabled the form while we worked on the issue and we have now re-enabled it after further tests. We triple checked our changes to the form and are confident this issue will not arise again. We had some development code which basically gave us a positive result when in reality it was not, we have removed this code, changed some additional code and implemented additional tests on our side to make sure everything is indeed secure.
No Credit Cards other than my own have been processed through this form so far so no one else needs to be worried about that.
We appoligize for the possible mis-conception of our security and take full responsibilty when it is not.
We hope we have not lost your trust in us and to show our appreciation we are offering the next 5 Inn Keepers to reply to this thread a free 12 month listing, no credit card required.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at [email protected].
Thank you,
I signed up for the free year and am the Ohio B&B. I say thank you for the opportunity.
I have added mine as well in Virginia. Thank you. Hope it is successful.
Just noticed an Inn in Gig harbor Washington, as an FYI if you are listing "HOTELS" on the directory you might have some innkeepers revolt to that. I know that hotel well, even if it has INN in the name, I used to work right there and lived there for 13 years. The description on your website says 64 rooms...
I have added mine as well in Virginia. Thank you. Hope it is successful.
Just noticed an Inn in Gig harbor Washington, as an FYI if you are listing "HOTELS" on the directory you might have some innkeepers revolt to that. I know that hotel well, even if it has INN in the name, I used to work right there and lived there for 13 years. The description on your website says 64 rooms....
Maybe Donald Trump is trying a hand a innkeeping.
Hi GetInnStyle and welcome to Innspiring.

You may want to get your form that asks for creditcard info onto a secure connection.
Penalties for such things have gone from huge, to HUGE..
As you can see it was brought to our attention there were issues with our secure form (at the time it was not secure apparently).
We had disabled the form while we worked on the issue and we have now re-enabled it after further tests. We triple checked our changes to the form and are confident this issue will not arise again. We had some development code which basically gave us a positive result when in reality it was not, we have removed this code, changed some additional code and implemented additional tests on our side to make sure everything is indeed secure.
No Credit Cards other than my own have been processed through this form so far so no one else needs to be worried about that.
We appoligize for the possible mis-conception of our security and take full responsibilty when it is not.
We hope we have not lost your trust in us and to show our appreciation we are offering the next 5 Inn Keepers to reply to this thread a free 12 month listing, no credit card required.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at [email protected].
Thank you,
I signed up for the free year and am the Ohio B&B. I say thank you for the opportunity.
gaylep, thanks for signing up, it's much appreciated. And you should note that you will always have a free listing as we have changed our services based off the feedback that was recommended here. So you'll be able to enjoy your listing for much longer than a year.
Thanks again
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