Now it is scrollable and off center in Firefox.
You will find the solution - I am in there as you are prob working on it.
Welcome to the frustrating world of B&B web design. Some days things just appear from nowhere, what the? Didn't I check that?!!!
Again, this is a good sounding board right here...many diff computers to view it from their perspective and get feedback..
It's off center because layers are absolute postioning while tables are relative......I think. I did a lot of web authoring years ago, but the game (and coding) is totally different now.
Anyone have any experience with Layers?
When the page was centered around a table, then the whole thing would move to the left or right(as it should) when you resize the browser window. However, in layers, the page remains frozen in the position you place it.
I've been playing with it all night and this morning and still can't the "block" to move like it did with tables.
I think it may require a creative use of the <div> tag or refining of the layer attribute: absolute, relative, inherit or static.