Unfortunately, kids or not, they were male goats. Obviously they were hungry as it was morning and they hadn't gotten their breakfast yet.
I built a raised bed planter box to get the plants off the ground and away from the rabbits. Didn't work, they just stood on their hind legs to reach it. These goats treated it like it was a feeding trough.
Michaels here I come!.
We found this organic stuff to keep deer away from our landscaping. Broken down, it's nothing but rotten eggs and cayenne pepper and few other ingrediants. You might try that approach. Otherwise, call animal control.
Proud Texan said:
We found this organic stuff to keep deer away from our landscaping. Broken down, it's nothing but rotten eggs and cayenne pepper and few other ingrediants. You might try that approach. Otherwise, call animal control.
Are you using the stinky stuff in the blue bottle from Lowes? I have been using that and it seems to be working for us so far. If not, could I have the name of the product for backup?
Sometimes I think afer a while they get past the stink, and I'd love to have a backup.
Have your husband pee near the plants. Apparently deer react to this as if a predator was in the area. (Which, of course a human is.) Of course you could do the same thing, it just tends to be easier for guys...
I was going to suggest that, but it didn't seem appropriate. However...

When we planted all of our apple trees and peach trees a few years ago, the deer LOVED the ones that were in the back corner of the orchard that were the farthest from the house. I tied dh's dirty socks onto the branches. I replaced them every few days (as he wore them). Away the deer went...off to the washing machine the socks went.
I don't know if peeing near the trees is more preferable to dirty socks hanging from the branches or not...it was just a suggestion
