Food allergies

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Aug 16, 2008
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Hi again, just here to rant a little. Things are going a little better and I'm getting used to how everything works. I ask guests about food problems when they book and specifically ask them to enter problems into the online form when booking.
For this long weekend no one who booked online put and restrictions. So I am asking when they checkin if that is correct-no restrictions on food. This last guest, which is a family, say they have never been at a B&B before. I sya I want to make sure there are no restrictions on breakfast as the field was empty on the form. Child speaks up to say he cannot have...mother shushes him. He says to her, 'Then that means I can have that now?' This is a very interesting conversation they are having. Child seems to think he cannot have any wheat products or dairy products. Parents are saying it is fine on vacation. Very interesting. I have some wheat-free waffles I will offer in the morning but I am interested that allergies go away on vacation, and the kid is perplexed. I'm also wondering that his first inclination was to run for the cookies. Very strange wheat allergy. Vacation doesn't bother the allergy, cookies don't bother the allergy. Kid is high-energy so I think the allergy is more likely something they are using to control behavior.
You will find that many allergies disappear on vacation and it's not just kids!

My chocolate, sugar, fat, ice cream, pizza, bread, candy allergies ALWAYS disappear when I'm on vacation, it's quite amazing what a little R&R can do for a person!
You will find that many allergies disappear on vacation and it's not just kids!

My chocolate, sugar, fat, ice cream, pizza, bread, candy allergies ALWAYS disappear when I'm on vacation, it's quite amazing what a little R&R can do for a person!
That is soooooo funny! I was going to say the same thing. Or, I develop an allergy to healthy food while on vacation. haha!

How strange. Guests just checked in and grabbed a cookie, I said, take them all, the other guest cannot eat them as she cannot have wheat. This guest said her sister is the same way cannot eat wheat, but does anyway, she would eat these cookies right now, she said.
So there ya go! Not all allergies are "allergies" and you blow up and die or suffocate. People use that word when they should say "sensitivity" or something else.
So the other guest who cannot eat wheat said she would be fine with the quiche. ??? Maybe she won't eat the crust, I offered to make her eggs and ham without the crust!
How strange. Guests just checked in and grabbed a cookie, I said, take them all, the other guest cannot eat them as she cannot have wheat. This guest said her sister is the same way cannot eat wheat, but does anyway, she would eat these cookies right now, she said.
So there ya go! Not all allergies are "allergies" and you blow up and die or suffocate. People use that word when they should say "sensitivity" or something else.
So the other guest who cannot eat wheat said she would be fine with the quiche. ??? Maybe she won't eat the crust, I offered to make her eggs and ham without the crust!.
JunieBJones (JBJ) said:
How strange. Guests just checked in and grabbed a cookie, I said, take them all, the other guest cannot eat them as she cannot have wheat. This guest said her sister is the same way cannot eat wheat, but does anyway, she would eat these cookies right now, she said.
So there ya go! Not all allergies are "allergies" and you blow up and die or suffocate. People use that word when they should say "sensitivity" or something else.
So the other guest who cannot eat wheat said she would be fine with the quiche. ??? Maybe she won't eat the crust, I offered to make her eggs and ham without the crust!
I have had guests with gluten allergies say to not worry about the crust on quiche, they just won't eat it. And then, there are other guests whose allergy to wheat is so bad that we have to use all different utensils and butter to cook for them (in a separate pan).
It sounds like that kid's allergy isn't life-threatening.
OK, I just had the last guest check-in with a similar situation...nothing mentioned on the reservation about dietary restrictions. I show him the menu (btw, as his wife is saying, 'Um, where's the room?') and he says, 'I can't eat that.' (Very common breakfast food.)
We are so used to this now, that it's more or less a given that someone won't/can't/doesn't want to eat what's on the menu. I told hubs he just needs to serve what JBJ does, 'Take it or leave it.'
It's annoying, no doubt, but it's not the end of the world.
Allergy or sensitivity...often mistated. There was a crew member (can't remember rank, it could have been the captain - it was a high ranking member) on a yacht who had a dairy "allergy." The chef was always successful in making tasty dishes just for him when the rest of the crew ate regular dairy products. When he served the meals, the one special meal always had a flag with the crew member's name on it. In over two years, there was never a complaint as the dairy free selections were always a gourmet specialty anyway.
He made a beautiful, tall, fluffy cheesecake one day, just full of dairy delights. For his one crew member he made this tofu/egg substitute and for this ONE, he was not proud as it sat on the table next to the beautiful cheesecake. As the rest of the members were served the real thing and the flat, gray looking tofu thing came out, the chef excused himself to spare himself from the embarrassment. Later, he went back into the galley to find the tofu thing still on the plate and that crew member licking a different plate clean. Yes, he ate the dairy delight! Later that night as he was clenching his belly in angst, the chef felt really bad.
The chef asked the man in pain if there was anything he could do for him. The bent-over crew member said, "Yes, save me another piece for tomorrow." It was that good!
So, you see, some "allergies" are just sensitivities. And sometimes, the dish served is worth the aggravation later. :)
I had my allergies tested when I was a child, and used to get shots... 16 things on my list. I guess the treatments worked because I no longer get shots. I do still have the allergies, although I rarely notice them and usually eat whatever I want (and some of the things on the list I eat regularly). But I know if I chew gum my tongue will swell up, and sometimes nuts (if I eat a handful straight from the can) will do that, too.
On my list is "dogs." Like the rest of my allergies, no biggie. But it suddenly grows deadly serious if friends or guests want to bring their dog here. Sorry... allergies! No pets!
We had a "diabetic" last week that ate stuff with sugar, stuff with potatoes , you name it. He cleaned his plate. I hope he brought his insulin.
I am allergic to too many strawberries or too much tomatoes. I can eat them but in VERY small quantities. Spaghetti night at Jimmy's is interesting for me. No one would know I was allergic to these things because I do not brek out in a rash or hives or clutch my gut. I ITCH. I itch all over and go nuts scratching - even in my sleep. I can scratch raw and will not know it until morning. There are other things too but I do not know what they are - never got tested.
I do know that cats, camels, and now I know I am mildly allergic to my daughter's dog - my eyes itch and water. Cats also trigger my asthma that is usually dormant.
Actually that's the way my cousin's wife does it so that her son does not cause any problems and can be "normal" outside the home. He has some kind of allergies for anything with wheat or flour or something. At home the diet is strict to the utmost. This way, when he is outside the home, he can eat as a normal child and not cause any problems for whoever is providing the food, and not stand out as "odd" to the other kids.
This makes having them over easy for us.

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