double booked room!!!

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Sweetheart. $%*! happens.
You are awesome, you've gone through a lot recently and are doing an absolutely remarkable job.
Things WILL go wrong. Once you accept that life becomes much much much easier. It's how you handle it that counts. The tears were simply a reflection of how totally overwhelmed you are in every sense of the word. Imagine what it would be like without this forum?
I find strings of really, REALLY bad words, as many as I can think of, repeated as often as necessary, helps.
The only true room ready / available problem I've had so far (and I KNOW and accept that it won't be the worst or the last) was ironically with another member of this forum. I have never wanted to ready for someone more and I've never been less prepared. We had an, ummm, plumbing / drainage emergency at our store and I want into overdrive making sure everything was OK there.
My excuse ..... "as fellow innkeeper's I knew you'd understand".
The reality .... It was potentially an enormous problem and I let it supercede everything else that needed to happen that day.
I really beat myself up over it and I NOW have a new mantra - accept my mistakes - they're going to happen ....hence, I STILL look like Krusty The Klown.
Sweetheart. $%*! happens.
You are awesome, you've gone through a lot recently and are doing an absolutely remarkable job.
Things WILL go wrong. Once you accept that life becomes much much much easier. It's how you handle it that counts. The tears were simply a reflection of how totally overwhelmed you are in every sense of the word. Imagine what it would be like without this forum?
I find strings of really, REALLY bad words, as many as I can think of, repeated as often as necessary, helps.
The only true room ready / available problem I've had so far (and I KNOW and accept that it won't be the worst or the last) was ironically with another member of this forum. I have never wanted to ready for someone more and I've never been less prepared. We had an, ummm, plumbing / drainage emergency at our store and I want into overdrive making sure everything was OK there.
My excuse ..... "as fellow innkeeper's I knew you'd understand".
The reality .... It was potentially an enormous problem and I let it supercede everything else that needed to happen that day.
I really beat myself up over it and I NOW have a new mantra - accept my mistakes - they're going to happen ....hence, I STILL look like Krusty The Klown..
The Tipsy Butler said:
The only true room ready / available problem I've had so far (and I KNOW and accept that it won't be the worst or the last) was ironically with another member of this forum. I have never wanted to ready for someone more and I've never been less prepared. We had an, ummm, plumbing / drainage emergency at our store and I want into overdrive making sure everything was OK there.
Like we would have cared if you'd shown up at the door in your jammies & fuzzy slippers! We were on a much-needed get out of Dodge getaway that only needed wine (massive quantities) and friends (always in abundance)! Everything else was gravy!
Sweetheart. $%*! happens.
You are awesome, you've gone through a lot recently and are doing an absolutely remarkable job.
Things WILL go wrong. Once you accept that life becomes much much much easier. It's how you handle it that counts. The tears were simply a reflection of how totally overwhelmed you are in every sense of the word. Imagine what it would be like without this forum?
I find strings of really, REALLY bad words, as many as I can think of, repeated as often as necessary, helps.
The only true room ready / available problem I've had so far (and I KNOW and accept that it won't be the worst or the last) was ironically with another member of this forum. I have never wanted to ready for someone more and I've never been less prepared. We had an, ummm, plumbing / drainage emergency at our store and I want into overdrive making sure everything was OK there.
My excuse ..... "as fellow innkeeper's I knew you'd understand".
The reality .... It was potentially an enormous problem and I let it supercede everything else that needed to happen that day.
I really beat myself up over it and I NOW have a new mantra - accept my mistakes - they're going to happen ....hence, I STILL look like Krusty The Klown..
The Tipsy Butler said:
The only true room ready / available problem I've had so far (and I KNOW and accept that it won't be the worst or the last) was ironically with another member of this forum. I have never wanted to ready for someone more and I've never been less prepared. We had an, ummm, plumbing / drainage emergency at our store and I want into overdrive making sure everything was OK there.
Like we would have cared if you'd shown up at the door in your jammies & fuzzy slippers! We were on a much-needed get out of Dodge getaway that only needed wine (massive quantities) and friends (always in abundance)! Everything else was gravy!
Bree said:
Like we would have cared if you'd shown up at the door in your jammies & fuzzy slippers! We were on a much-needed get out of Dodge getaway that only needed wine (massive quantities) and friends (always in abundance)! Everything else was gravy!
I know, I really do - but sometimes it's the things you want and plan for the most that end up topsy-turvey. You ended up with less, not more than "the usual" Bottom line is, you were all so fabulous and it's water-under-the-bridge". The reality, in this business, is constantly being able to roll with the punches.
When you get a moment, you know, 'cuz you get so many of them....
Double check your calendars and then book yourself a SPA DAY GIRLFRIEND! Two if necessary! Hang in there! You're doing fine! We all make mistakes!
My wife and I are brand new at this and our "system" leaves a lot to be desired. We have a black notebook that we write all the bookings in and we check it as often as possible.
One afternoon we were sitting in the dining room with the table covered in plates and cloth napkins straightening up when my wife happened to be looking over our book and looked at me with a look of alarm. "Did you know we have guests that will be here in an hour?" .....
I'm sure you can all guess what happened next but needless to say we both want to improve our system we just haven't gotten that far yet.
Completely off topic, but I noticed your screen name. Are you from the UP? I have family in Iron Mountain.
My wife and I are brand new at this and our "system" leaves a lot to be desired. We have a black notebook that we write all the bookings in and we check it as often as possible.
One afternoon we were sitting in the dining room with the table covered in plates and cloth napkins straightening up when my wife happened to be looking over our book and looked at me with a look of alarm. "Did you know we have guests that will be here in an hour?" .....
I'm sure you can all guess what happened next but needless to say we both want to improve our system we just haven't gotten that far yet.
The Yoopers have some of the best songs!! Second week of deer camp......
Beautiful area if that is where you are.
My wife and I are brand new at this and our "system" leaves a lot to be desired. We have a black notebook that we write all the bookings in and we check it as often as possible.
One afternoon we were sitting in the dining room with the table covered in plates and cloth napkins straightening up when my wife happened to be looking over our book and looked at me with a look of alarm. "Did you know we have guests that will be here in an hour?" .....
I'm sure you can all guess what happened next but needless to say we both want to improve our system we just haven't gotten that far yet.
The Yoopers have some of the best songs!! Second week of deer camp......
Beautiful area if that is where you are.
Someone else got the reference, eh? (Sorry, I just couldn't resist).
My wife and I are brand new at this and our "system" leaves a lot to be desired. We have a black notebook that we write all the bookings in and we check it as often as possible.
One afternoon we were sitting in the dining room with the table covered in plates and cloth napkins straightening up when my wife happened to be looking over our book and looked at me with a look of alarm. "Did you know we have guests that will be here in an hour?" .....
I'm sure you can all guess what happened next but needless to say we both want to improve our system we just haven't gotten that far yet.
The Yoopers have some of the best songs!! Second week of deer camp......
Beautiful area if that is where you are.
Someone else got the reference, eh? (Sorry, I just couldn't resist).
I did what I call a 24 year sentence in Illinois. As soon as I saw their name I wondered about the UP. Brought up memories of that beautiful bridge!
Yes we are in the U.P.
I am originally from Gladstone and my wife is from Lower Michigan. We moved up north in June to run our B&B in my home town. I think I might have added 5-10 years onto my life getting out of metro Detroit and moving to this beautiful place.
Yes we are in the U.P.
I am originally from Gladstone and my wife is from Lower Michigan. We moved up north in June to run our B&B in my home town. I think I might have added 5-10 years onto my life getting out of metro Detroit and moving to this beautiful place.
I think I might have added 5-10 years onto my life getting out of metro Detroit and moving to this beautiful place.
Sorry, but you probably HAVE a life by getting out of metro Detroit!
Yes we are in the U.P.
I am originally from Gladstone and my wife is from Lower Michigan. We moved up north in June to run our B&B in my home town. I think I might have added 5-10 years onto my life getting out of metro Detroit and moving to this beautiful place.
reYOOPERed said:
I think I might have added 5-10 years onto my life getting out of metro Detroit and moving to this beautiful place.
Yep, that's how I feel about moving from the East Coast to a small town in the Midwest.
How did this end up? Were they happy with the rooms? Did they seem satisfied with all you had done?
How did this end up? Were they happy with the rooms? Did they seem satisfied with all you had done?.
it ended up okay ... i am still concerned about my mistake - i found another but have fixed it. will have to review all the bookings when i have time
they never got to see the room they reserved which is much nicer than either room they stayed in. i didn't want them to see it --- that would have increased the disappoinment. or maybe aggravated them.
but, as i said, i discounted their stay big time
they were very appreciative and all.
they checked out this morning and told me they recommended me to their family and friends ... but i told them
i only give really special deals to people whose reservations i mess up!


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