Dog barking

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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So, guests arrived last night around 10pm. In the space of 20 minutes they slammed the door to their room about 12 times. I mean slammed so hard I could feel it from two rooms away.

You know how sometimes car alarms go off when something loud vibrates them? I’m thinking about finding a dog barking clip to play for about 2-3 minutes every time someone slams that door.

I tried a little note on the door explaining how slamming it knocks the pictures off the wall upstairs, so please close gently. (True) That didn’t seem to help so I removed it last time I painted the door. I’d put the note back and explain it startles the dog, who will then bark incessantly, especially if I’m not around to calm her.

I’m kind of tired of being rattled out of bed.
I had a guest once leave a note in the room saying the bathroom door slams too loud when you close it. And SHE was the one who was slamming it! :cautious:

I know you're not asking for solutions, but for others who share the problem, felt weather stripping comes to mind. A little bit in the right place might soften the slam.
The door has weatherstripping! I added it almost immediately 16 years ago!
Maybe a door hinge would do it. I know the weatherstripping only means they’ll slam the door over and over because it bounces back at them.
ugh how annoying! I now live in a condo that I love 'except' for a few things, of course. And one thing is neighbors on one side of me sometimes slam doors inside their condo so hard that it makes things vibrate in mine. I don't know what the deal is ... I don't hear any raised voices but it sure feels like slamming around for effect. As in ... 'I'm not yelling but I am FURIOUS with you' Repeated slamming of a door by a guest sure sounds like that to me!
ugh how annoying! I now live in a condo that I love 'except' for a few things, of course. And one thing is neighbors on one side of me sometimes slam doors inside their condo so hard that it makes things vibrate in mine. I don't know what the deal is ... I don't hear any raised voices but it sure feels like slamming around for effect. As in ... 'I'm not yelling but I am FURIOUS with you' Repeated slamming of a door by a guest sure sounds like that to me!

Guilty! himself used to say I was going to break the cabinet doors. Told him better a cabinet door than a kid. It was not repeatedly, but the sound of a good healthy slam saved Him later as well as kids when they were growing up. BUT that is only MY doors, never the doors of anyone else.
We have a guest bedroom above our and we’re sick and tired of people stomping across the room to go to the loo in the middle of the night, dropping items off the bed and generally being insensitive.

i put a sign on the wall but no one took any notice.

so now I tell people when I check them in that there is a bedroom below theirs and to be considerate during the night and for the most part that works.
You have to be careful with a door hinge or closer. My pet hate from when I stayed in hotels is that so many places have autoclosers that close the door slowly and then, at the last second, slam it firmly shut. I get that this a a security thing but it's a pain late at night or early morning. Perhaps they are adjustable?
You have to be careful with a door hinge or closer. My pet hate from when I stayed in hotels is that so many places have autoclosers that close the door slowly and then, at the last second, slam it firmly shut. I get that this a a security thing but it's a pain late at night or early morning. Perhaps they are adjustable?
Yes, those hinges are adjustable. And I hate the door slamming at hotels, too. I always hold onto the door to close it.
I’m kind of tired of being rattled out of bed.

Perhaps a silly answer, assuming we are talking a regular household door/hinge, remove the hinge pins one at a time, wipe the oil away, add a little lemon juice and dust, it will rust a bit and add a little friction, of course I don't know how you feel about a creaking door.
Perhaps a silly answer, assuming we are talking a regular household door/hinge, remove the hinge pins one at a time, wipe the oil away, add a little lemon juice and dust, it will rust a bit and add a little friction, of course I don't know how you feel about a creaking door.
I love the creaking of my own door, sort of an early warning system that someone is entering my house. But I doubt I’d appreciate hearing a creaking, slamming door all night! As the guests are awake, it probably wouldn’t bother them, but it would drive me nuts.
Guilty! himself used to say I was going to break the cabinet doors. Told him better a cabinet door than a kid. It was not repeatedly, but the sound of a good healthy slam saved Him later as well as kids when they were growing up. BUT that is only MY doors, never the doors of anyone else.
haha! Naughty! You would be frustrated at my condo, I installed all cabinets with the soft door close so they don't slam.
Door slammer solution. Take pins out of door hinges after third slam. Wait for complaint. Explain that door will be removed again, carefully. As carefully, as you want your door closed. Worked so well for oldest daughter that it was never a problem with younger.
When our teenage daughter slammed her door one too many times we took the door off the hinges and stored it in the garage for a couple of weeks.
I guess that isn't doable in this case. 🤣
It did cure the problem though.
haha! Naughty! You would be frustrated at my condo, I installed all cabinets with the soft door close so they don't slam.

I am happy I did the victory dance a long time ago. Cabinets must have worked because they ALL turned out to be good citizens and have done a great job with the grands.. I have not slammed a door for over 3 years now since there is no one here but me now.