I also thought smokers, kids, etc.
Basically it is like this: a B & B is a business. One opens a business to make money. I do not know any gas station in the country that provides gas only to Chevys or only to Fords or no Toyotas allowed. It is not our place to judge - Christian or non-believer alike - That belongs to HE who is perfect and that certainly is not evil little me! I know many people the "Church" (pick a brand) would frown on who are better people and better "Christians" than many of the #$#$%^& "pillars of the church". If I ever find out which of those stalwarts is responsible for running the best pastor I ever knew out of the church here, I will forget my not-for-me-to-judge stance, the freaking hypocrites!
To put this on the Christian perspective, we are told that on a dark December night, there was no room at the inn but a stable stall was deemed "good enough". As long as there is an empty bed in my inn, there is room at the inn for whomever. And I have been known to provide a room to a weary traveler having problems (and I am not talking at regular rate and sometimes it has been a thank you).
I believe tha we are put on this Earth for a reason, and many times have been made to feel that my reason is to meet people. I am surprised at how many have told me I have helped them - because all I did was converse and trust me, spouting religion is not my thing. My Pappy always said there is nothing worse than a reformed drunk except a reformed drunk who got relgion! (He was talking about his brother!)
Not meaning to get on a religion thing here. Just trying to explain what an innkeeper's place is - supplier of sleeping accommodations, not morality cop. We only ask name address, phone, credit card number. I do not care if they are black, white, green, or blue, gay, straight, or or crooked. As JBJ says,"They stay, they pay, they go away!".