Didn’t I see you with someone else yesterday?

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Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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Room A, Friday and Saturday: Mark and Sarah
Room B, Sunday: Joe and Sarah
Yes, the same Sarah.

She asked this morning if she could just put her stuff in the other room instead of hauling it out to the car.

Even with the same name on the reservations I didn’t make the connection. (Well one spelled it with the ‘h’ and the other without.)

I wish my imagination was good enough to make this stuff up.
I once won a vacation cabin for a week in a fundraiser raffle. I was single at the time. I invited a few friends to come visit. All male. None romantic. AT ALL. Three different friends came for an overnight visit, separate bedrooms, just friends, each one at a time. Every morning, I or we had breakfast in the only cafe in town. I always wondered if they noticed the new girl coming in with a different man every morning.
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We had a guest stay who met up with his "girlfriend" here... that happens. but to go thru several at one time.. that takes the cake!
Wow! Curiouser and curiouser. I suppose there could be an innocent explanation but .... hmmm

I never had back to back guests like that. I did have one man who stayed a weekend, he was with a woman who was very affectionate towards him but quiet. A few weeks later he arrived with a different woman. She was a princess and very talkative. Told me her husband had stayed in the area on business just recently, she had seen some brochures of the lighthouse and the island ferry and insisted on coming up. I checked the reservations to be sure it was the same man. But when she asked if I remembered him, I said I wasn’t sure. Why ask me that?

When they checked out, he handed me the key and an envelope. Inside was $100. He also left a big tip in the room and the chambermaid was tripping. I think I raged about it in here ... I’m not the morality police, but don’t make me complicit.
All revealed today — this guy is her brother. Really. It’s a convenient spot for them to meet up as they were both in the state for business and had today off.
And who was the other guy? Just wondering.
We had a guest stay who met up with his "girlfriend" here... that happens. but to go thru several at one time.. that takes the cake!
Our 3 day a month regular Dr. would come alone with his wife and child left at home and around 11 he would welcome one or two every night for 3 or 4 hours. I had cameras at front door...ended up telling him to go after he broke the bed and the noise coming from the room. Some just don't care and have respect for the property or themselves...
Our 3 day a month regular Dr. would come alone with his wife and child left at home and around 11 he would welcome one or two every night for 3 or 4 hours.

I had the same and it was awful. A physician who came once a month to cover the hospital when the local doctors were unavailable. The hospital paid his lodging bill. He always had one of the local nurses in the room with him, and that was none of my business.

But he also had an "I am exceptional" attitude. He was NEVER out of the room by check out time. One time we had a new person coming into that room at 4 p.m. and when the housekeeper knocked on the door and told him she needed him out so she could clean, he told her "that doesn't apply to me."

He thought the hospital would assure he could do as he pleased, but that carried no weight with me and, after multiple issues, I finally banned him. Within a couple of months the hospital had enough of him, too, and fired him!
One time I had a couple check in in the afternoon. They paid cash. Two hours later they checked out. The only thing left in the trash was the packaging for a sex toy. At least I didn't have to do breakfast. :cool: