Define Special Dietary Needs...

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JunieBJones (JBJ)

Well-known member
May 22, 2008
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... you are willing to meet as an Innkeeper/Cook:
from JBJ - - Dietary needs I am willing to meet are simple adjustments to my breakfasts:
Diabetic. No problem.
Vegetarian. No Problem.
Gluten Free - semi problem, but if it is only one night stay then a basic ham and eggs and fruit breakfast - no problem.
Vegan - Potatoes,sweet potatoes, fruit. PROBLEM - but I can provide a very basic meal or they bring their own "goulash."
Won't eat eggs - pancakes, waffles, something not eggy if acceptable, otherwise PROBLEM.
Great thread!
My overall "attitude" (as expressed on our website, policies, and confirmation) is that we serve a hot, fully plated breakfast and everyone gets the same thing. We alternate between sweet and savory dishes each morning, and special needs are accommodated ONLY if we are made aware of them at the time the reservation is made (our menu is planned in advance to accommodate multi-night stays and last minute substitutions are not available).
I agree diabetic and vegetarian are no problem. Gluten free no problem as long as they eat eggs (and now have found the toaster waffles so that's another easy substitute if they don't eat eggs).
For vegans and all others who mention restrictions, I explain what we normally have and then tell them we always have oatmeal or cold cereal available, any special milk or dairy products needed they are welcome to bring their own and store them in our guest refrigerator.
One thing I think has helped us a lot, on our Webervations page we say "If you have special dietary needs it is helpful if you tell us what you CAN eat in addition to what you CANNOT eat". This has prompted a lot of people to call and/or email to discuss with us their special needs.
I'm willing to be flexible as long as we have notice, I just can't stand the person who wrinkles their nose at the plate you give them and says "I can't eat THAT..."
Just last week had a call asking if we did kosher meals...Oy Vei! My kitchen is the world's smallest to begin with!!! Just explained that we are not a restaurant and can handle vegetarian but not set up for strictly kosher.
We've done all of them but the vegan is the hardest because we don't normally make any kind of veggies for breakfast and don't want to. We can have soy milk on hand because I'll drink that. The hardest is when they all show up on the same weekend. We'll cook for the largest group and fill in the others. But it's a tough weekend.
Worst is when we've een told there are restrictions and we plan the meals around that and the restriction turns out to be a 'fad' and now they'll eat anything. Yeah, what you'll eat is what got made.
My biggest challenges have been the vegan and the "I only eat raw food" and I had 2 raw over the years.
The Dad who did not tell me until they got here at 11 pm that his gluten-free kid was also no bananas, no eggs, and no peanut butter was also tempting to push over the railing since we were on the second floor showing them to the rooms when he told me. I had, since they were arriving so late and wanted an early start in the morning, helped myself out by making gluten-free bread for the kid with the eggs I was going to make for the family and had made peanut butter banana gluten-free muffins for him also. As much as I wanted to throttle him, I will do it again and again. It was not the kid's fault. And in the Dad's defense (much as I want to not give quarter), they were military moving from the East Coast to the West Coast (Washington State) with 3 kids, 4 horses, a car, ans a truck hauling a VERY overloaded horse trailer that had horses, feed, hay, a water tank, and household goods the packers had missed.
I do not do Kosher, but I will at least attempt to do any others (thank goodness the Atkins Diet is gone).
It seems the worst ARE the I can't eat flour, I can't eat milk, I can't eat chocolate, I can't eat eggs, they have a whole list.
I have had a couple and really couldn't prepare anything. One gal ate pistachios and Dr Pepper for breakfast. Made me wonder if it was true or that was all she could eat? She was beyon thin, she was anorexic body weight.
You need to know BEFOREHAND what they eat for breakfast. Webervations asks "any special needs".
If you're not sure, call them.
You know guys, our breakfast are considered complimentary.
For gosh sakes, how do these people travel and eat when they're not in a B&B? We try to be accommodating, but within reason. Our policy clearly states that they must let us know WHEN THEY MAKE THEIR RESERVATION that they have special needs. If that father told me at 11 pm (which he wouldn't because I wouldn't accept such a late check-in...we refer them to a local motel) that his son couldn't eat this or that, I'd have to tell him "sorry, but you sh*t out of luck.

DW and I did not start this business to let people walk all over us. No. 1: This is our home. No. 2: They are guests in our home. Period.
Our guests will receive the same level of courtesy that they provide us. Treat us like crap, don't expect any favors.
You know guys, our breakfast are considered complimentary.
For gosh sakes, how do these people travel and eat when they're not in a B&B? We try to be accommodating, but within reason. Our policy clearly states that they must let us know WHEN THEY MAKE THEIR RESERVATION that they have special needs. If that father told me at 11 pm (which he wouldn't because I wouldn't accept such a late check-in...we refer them to a local motel) that his son couldn't eat this or that, I'd have to tell him "sorry, but you sh*t out of luck.

DW and I did not start this business to let people walk all over us. No. 1: This is our home. No. 2: They are guests in our home. Period.
Our guests will receive the same level of courtesy that they provide us. Treat us like crap, don't expect any favors.
ProudTexan -- AND if they don't like it, "don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out".
PTex - this special diet thing is almost cult-like in this country. Got to have a bottle of water with me at all times or I will die. People are sold on so much of this, that is is all consuming. It is not necessarily that they are treating anyone like crap, it is their life and they go around making everyone bend to this.
Sometimes it is attention. Many times it is an excuse to be picky. Other times it is the latest wave or diet sold to the masses by Oprah.
Some of us grew up eating mostly cornflakes, but when you ATE OUT you got meat. I mean when you ordered an omelet it had MEAT in it! And I grew up in veggo land CA, and we still had it on every menu "What breakfast meat would you like? Ham bacon or sausage?" Standard drill. PORK. Or even steak and eggs if you are in Vegas or Reno.
So now we have the wave of fanaticism cycling on and off against bread, against eggs, against meat, the list changes faster than any of us can keep up with it.
I am sure people won't like what I wrote, I am just telling it from my experience.
You know guys, our breakfast are considered complimentary.
For gosh sakes, how do these people travel and eat when they're not in a B&B? We try to be accommodating, but within reason. Our policy clearly states that they must let us know WHEN THEY MAKE THEIR RESERVATION that they have special needs. If that father told me at 11 pm (which he wouldn't because I wouldn't accept such a late check-in...we refer them to a local motel) that his son couldn't eat this or that, I'd have to tell him "sorry, but you sh*t out of luck.

DW and I did not start this business to let people walk all over us. No. 1: This is our home. No. 2: They are guests in our home. Period.
Our guests will receive the same level of courtesy that they provide us. Treat us like crap, don't expect any favors.
They had expected to get here sooner. Their church had a goodbye lunch for them and had taken up a collection to help them with their travel expenses (if you are not familiar with the military - travel expense is not overly generous) so they could not just eat and run. Then because the truck had such a load, it kept having problems getting across the mountains into WV. Had the Mom been making the reservations, she probably would have told me when I asked. We were their first stop and they had really wanted to camp but cannot do that if they want my stable (even I will not bend that far for military) so he was worried about expense. Turned out we were one of their less expensive stops because the stable said N/C and I cut my rate to the bone. He was frazzled. Looked and sounded a LOT better after a good night's sleep. I was ready to slap him silly at the time, but understood about the strain. Try traveling with 3 kids, 2 dogs, 3 cats, 4 horses........ I was ready to commit hari-kair just traveling with 6 kids and no animals and I was not moving!
From now on I will just serve swanson's chicken pot pies and call it "red-neck chicken quiche in gravy sauce" ...and otter pops (sorbet)
and pop tarts on sundays...If they're nice... toaster strudel.
and be done...
PTex - this special diet thing is almost cult-like in this country. Got to have a bottle of water with me at all times or I will die. People are sold on so much of this, that is is all consuming. It is not necessarily that they are treating anyone like crap, it is their life and they go around making everyone bend to this.
Sometimes it is attention. Many times it is an excuse to be picky. Other times it is the latest wave or diet sold to the masses by Oprah.
Some of us grew up eating mostly cornflakes, but when you ATE OUT you got meat. I mean when you ordered an omelet it had MEAT in it! And I grew up in veggo land CA, and we still had it on every menu "What breakfast meat would you like? Ham bacon or sausage?" Standard drill. PORK. Or even steak and eggs if you are in Vegas or Reno.
So now we have the wave of fanaticism cycling on and off against bread, against eggs, against meat, the list changes faster than any of us can keep up with it.
I am sure people won't like what I wrote, I am just telling it from my experience..
Actually I agree with you, especially regarding the latest fad and what is detrimental to your health food of the week. What can we scare the bewhatziss out of them with today!
However, DH has bought into the no-fat, no sugar, no salt edict and since I am stuck with it, my schtick is low-fat..... I get a lot of folks who are trying to stick to the diet the doctor gave them, allergies because I will accommodate them if possible, and the "I feel good because I watch my diet and I am GREEN". It is also better for the bottom line if I do not serve meat (I served venison brats this morning and everyone liked them - but they were free from s-i-l).
I do not buy bacon because I would fry and eat the whole pound myself (I do not care how clogged my arteries get).
I'll attempt anything, but discuss it with them in advance so they know my limitations.
I ask them when they reserve (both online and in phone), and sometimes again when they arrive. If they didn't tell me, then oh well.
After having a vegan here, it wasn't too bad. Just had a guest that wanted a really simple breakfast! That was the hardest because you know we all want to show off our breakfast culinary skills
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