Choclate Dessert CrepesHow much cocoa do you add for chocolate ones? MMMM... Chocolate.......Crepe batter is pretty basic, flour, milk, eggs and melted butter. Unless you want to add cocoa for choc. ones.OK, how about a good crepe recipe? And what size crepe pan works best? It's time to extend the repertoire! We try to do one new recipe each year..
2 eggs
2 tbsp melted butter
1 cup flour
1 1/3 c. milk
1/2 tsp. salt
Put in a blender and mix. I usually let mine sit for about 15 min. but you can use immediately. This makes about 15 6 inch crepes. My favorite pan was a TFAL crepe pan...It was wonderful..but I don't think they make them any more.
I have a wonderful Crepe cookbook I used many many years ago when I taught a Crepe making workshop. Haven't made any it years but used to really love them. I made them by the tons and just froze them. Put a piece of waxed paper between each crepe, peel off what you need..they thaw in minutes.
Check Amazon they have a number of pans.
3 eggs
1 cup flour
2 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp cocoa
1/14 c. buttermilk
2 tbsp melted butter
Mix all in a blender or with a mixer. Refrigerate batter 1 hour.
Makes 18-22 crepes.
I found my cookbook on Amazon here:
Gosh I didn't know I had a collectors item now...I would never pay that for this book. It cost me $4.95 in 1976

For Vanilla Dessert Crepes
3 eggs
1/2 ts salt
1 1/2 c.flour
2 cups milk
1 tbsp sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp melter butter
Makes 32-35 crepes.
I will scan a couple of pics and post later.